28 | gathering

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3 weeks later

"Jimin, is this okay?" you asked.

"I don't know. I think we should move that a little to the left," he replied, placing his hand below his chin as he eyed the place.


As the Sun was setting in the horizon, it left a hue of orange and red shades across the sky. The trees swayed along the calm wind and the white fabric placed over the tables moved along.

It was calm and peaceful.

"Oh my! Did you both do all this?" the elderly women asked as she made her way out the back door of her house.

"Actually– three," Yoongi came along while holding a bunch of wood in his arms for the bonfire.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." the women smiled as she held her cane in her right hand.

She continued, "Why don't you all take a break? You've worked a lot today," with a smile she spoke.

All three of you nodded simultaenously with a grin.

Making your way in the house through the back door which led to the kitchen, all four of you took a seat on the chairs. The Grandma served you all a warm cup of milk with chocolate chip cookies whilst you stood up to help her.

"I'm so tired..." Jimin let out a sigh of exhaust as he leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes.

"Excuse me? You didn't even do anything. All you did back there was judge the things Hana and I did. You little br–" Yoongi stopped as he saw you and Grandma come from the kitchen.

"Haha...you both remind me of my young days. I, too had many friends and we all used to hang out. Just not like couples do these days but, yeah, even holding hands required a lot of guts back then," the older women with wrinkled forehead, bent back and a cane in her hand came slowly, holding a glass in her other hand.

Her smile looked genuine as she looked at the three of you as if she could see the young blood flowing in your body, remembering about her life decades ago.

"Even holding hands..?" Jimin asked, taking a big glup from the glass of milk.

She giggled, "Surprised, right? While I was surprised when I saw the generation gap between the people."

The grandma sighed and looked ahead at the table, "Love.. It was so pure back then. All that's left in it is just being toxic."

The two men sitting in the room nodded their heads upon the statement spoken by the old women. However, you on the other hand were in your own thoughts, lost among the rights and wrongs of the untold truth and wondering about the major difference between a reality and fantasy.

Could the internal pleasure and happiness brought by a fantasy be given to you by the harsh reality?

Isn't it the same? Or is it just an illusion seen and felt by the human eye and heart?

You needed answers. Answers to questions that couldn't be given to someone till the time they experience it themselves.

"...so what do you think about it Hana?" Jimin queried.

Coming out of the little daze, you saw the three pair of eyes staring straight at you without looking away. It took you a second or two to finally take in notice of your surroundings again and remove the frown over the skin of your forehead.

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