26 | decided

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After the long talk with Taehyung, you sit with him on the sofa as the movie plays on the screen.

As the actors from the movie, Me Before You captivate your mind completely, the latter seems to find himself in a daze. In a train of endless thoughts that holds nothing else but you.

He wonders if helping you will be a good idea or not. That too a meeting with Sooyun? Not a good idea as he thinks.

"What are you thinking about?" you ask after a while as you notice him lost somewhere else.

However, he doesn't answer.

Looking at him, you see him blankly staring at the screen with his arms folded against his chest.

On extending your arm a bit, you shake his shoulder slightly, "Taehyung?"


"Everything alright?" you question as you raise your eyebrows.

"Yeah, everything's fine." he sighs as he rubs his face with his hands, finally focusing on the TV.

"Okay," but before you could look away at the screen, he grabs your forearm.


You look at him silently, waiting for him to continue.

"Uhm...I was wondering if someone else other than Sooyun could help you?"

"Other than Sooyun? Who?" you question.

He waits and takes a deep breath, "Me. I think I can help you."

You can't help but chuckle at his statement. The laugh erupting from you does something tingling to his body as he stares at your face that he can't help but find cute. But, the feeling ends as soon as you calm down with tears at the end of your eyes with your hands over your stomach.

"How?" a tiny giggle escapes your mouth but you put a finger over your lips.

"I can but will you let me?" he speaks with such a soft voice that for a moment you forget the moody boss that he usually is.

The gentleness of his voice makes you forget the question that he asks and you unknowingly nod. A wide smile plasters on his lips after your answer and you smile in response.

"Okay, so now I'll help you." he whispers with a stretch of his lips and for a second; just for a second, your heartbeat quickens.

All for Jungkook, Hana.

This is all for Jungkook.

+ + +

You sigh.

"Taehyung, I need to go." you speak for the fifth time already.

"Just a minute." he scribbles something on a notebook with a pencil without staring at you.

A number of notifications interrupts your pleading as you move your eyes to your phone.

when are you coming back?

are you okay?

do you want me to come over?

no, it's okay
and I'm coming

back in 5.

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