Chapter 8.

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{ Edited - 16th June, 2020 }
{ Edited - 9th April, 2024 }

The moment I opened my eyes, I was met with a view of the cloudy sky above me. Each time I shifted my head, the world around me appeared to blur. I couldn't even survey my surroundings to determine my location. My entire body is in pain like never before. I lacked the energy to move, so I simply stared up at the sky.

After a few moments had passed, I noticed a figure in the distance carrying a lantern. It was unclear who they were, but they seemed to be heading my way. "Kira??" The voice called out. I made an effort to respond, but all that emerged from my mouth were sounds of moans and groans. 

With each step they took, they drew closer and closer. To my surprise, it wasn't just one person, but two, walking side by side. It was only when they reached the pebbled road on the hill that I started to vaguely recognize the cloaks they were wearing. It suddenly occurred to me that it was Miss Raven and Miss Crow. Miss Crow was the one carrying the lantern while Miss Raven strolled beside her. They for sure would not like to see the state I'm in.

Gradually, the world around me became shrouded in darkness, until my eyes fluttered shut, and all my senses seemed to fade away, leaving me in a state of numbness. As I opened my eyes once more, everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. Miss Crow and Miss Raven were standing over me, looking worried. It seemed like they were trying to say something, but I couldn't make out any words. 

Miss Raven embraced me tightly, holding me close to her chest, her tear-streaked face showing signs of distress. I saw her lift me up, and because I couldn't control my body, I felt like a baby. I felt a weight on my head, and it landed on Miss Raven's shoulder. That's when I caught sight of the scenery... Bodies were scattered all around, motionless and pale. Some were missing limbs, others were bleeding, a few were cut, and some were impaled. It was truly mortifying, and the thought that I could've ended up like them...

The area was littered with fallen trees, debris from buildings, deceased animals, bodies, and a variety of other items. I saw Miss Crow set her lantern down, and then she removed her black cloak and placed it over me. Miss Raven then helped tuck it around me snugly, keeping me warm and secure.

Snug and content, I felt the Ymbrynes starting to shift. With my head on Miss Raven's shoulder, I looked at the ground and the lifeless forest nearby. However, my memory became fragmented as my vision abruptly faded to black, repeating in a confusing manner. I could only recall a few scattered details.

Everything went black before my eyes, but when I regained consciousness, we were on the verge of entering the cave. After that, my vision faded away again, and when I woke up once more, we were outside, walking in the darkness. As my sight turned to black, the next time I woke up, I discovered myself in a room.

After regaining consciousness and no longer experiencing blackouts, I realized that I was in the cozy infirmary room situated on the lower floor of the house. I had my fair share being here, but only for something small, like a little cut, or when I got sick.

 I had my fair share being here, but only for something small, like a little cut, or when I got sick

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Honestly, I've never been a fan of this room. It's always been chilly, too silent, and just downright creepy. As I slowly sat up, feeling pain everywhere from doing so, I realized my arms were wrapped in bandages, and to my surprise, I discovered that someone had dressed me in my cozy PJs.

I gently slid the blanket off my legs and let them hang over the edge of the bed, allowing my feet to touch the ground. My plan was to leave the sick bay room to head back to the shared girl's dormitory and find solace in the cozy embrace of my bed, hoping to sleep away this terrible day.

Just as I was about to get up, Miss Raven walked in and kindly asked me to stay lying down. I grumbled, of course. Even though I was in pain, confused, and filled with guilt from seeing so much loss of life, I didn't want to cause any trouble. So, I'll simply go along with it, as long as it doesn't lead me to dive off the cliffs again. That was one of my big regrets for today. I promise to cooperate this time, I really do. I want to assure everyone that this wasn't some kind of suicide attempt, even though I understand that's what everyone assumed when they saw me 'jumping off a cliff' without context. 

Miss Raven approached me with a sombre look on her face, took a seat beside my bed, and carefully replaced my bandages. As she removed them, I realized the extent of my injuries. Some of them even had stitching to close up the big wounds. My breathing picked up, my body began to shake, and I felt like I was on the verge of having a meltdown.

After a momentary pause, Miss Raven reached out and clasped both of my hands. She leaned in close and whispered softly. "You're alright. I'm here. I'm right here with you. You're doing well, Kira." With open arms, she pulled me close, offering a warm hug and tenderly massaging my back in small, gentle circles. In minutes, I've managed to calm down.

Miss Raven steps back and checks her pocket watch for the time. Letting out a sigh, she then gazes in my direction. "I need to get dinner ready for the kids, but I'll come back to see how you're doing soon." I managed to nod in response. Miss Raven stood up from her chair and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

--30 minutes later--

Miss Crow entered the sick bay and I quickly averted my gaze, overwhelmed with guilt, particularly after our previous interactions. "Kira, it's important to realize that none of this is due to your actions." She said in a soft tone. "Miss Raven was extremely upset and frightened upon discovering you in such a dire state. To be honest, I shared her feelings as well. She holds herself responsible for not being there for you when you needed someone the most."

Miss Crow lingered only near the door. " It would be most beneficial for you to stay here in the sick bay, where you can rest and recover." She let out a sigh, glanced down, "And please get well soon," and then walked out, closing the door behind her.

All of a sudden, I heard a child scream right outside the nursery door. "Cassidy, it is important that we refrain from using our peculiarity to taunt or bully other children in this residence." I could hear Miss Crow's voice echoing from the other end of the hallway.

"But Miss, I didn't do anything this time!" Cassidy called out. 

As I gradually sat up, I let my feet hang over the edge of the bed once more. With caution, I rose to my feet, feeling the excruciating pain all throughout my body. Despite the discomfort, I made an effort to disregard it. I limped towards the door, opened it, and poked my head outside to find Brodie, looking absolutely terrified.

"What's wrong?" Whispering under my breath, I silently prayed that no Ymbrynes were close enough to hear. It would be such a letdown to receive a scolding or be forced back into bed right now, especially after all the effort I've invested in getting out of it.

"Spider!!" Without taking his gaze off the crawling insect, he softly replied.

"Kill it! " I snapped quietly.

"It's looking at me!" 

"What's all the fuss about!" Katarina, one of the older wards in Miss Raven's care, stated as she entered the room from the hallway.

"He's scared of a tiny spider!" I whispered while pointing towards the possible location of the spider.

"A spider? He screamed because of a spider!" said Cassidy, she headed towards the disturbance to figure out why she was being accused or blamed for Brodie's screaming. "This is ridiculous!" said Cassidy.

"Children, kindly gather around the table, as dinner is now prepared. Kira, I kindly request you to return to the sick bay room. I would prefer not to enter the room myself and tuck you into bed, as it is important for you to get sufficient rest," Miss Crow called out from the kitchen.


The kids' gazes met mine, a few seemed sympathetic while others showed no emotion as they departed. I shut the door and made my way to the bed I had been resting on earlier, but this time I opted to sit on the chair where Miss Raven had been tending to me half an hour or more ago.

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