Chapter 15.

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{ Edited - 4th Aug, 2020 }
( Edited - 14 April, 2024 }

Despite the fact that Jake's blinds were tightly shut, I couldn't help but overanalyze the situation.

I'm not stupid, and I know about Miss Wren's peculiar pigeons. I can remember back when Miss Raven was teaching the class a light lesson about how these pigeons were employed as Miss Wren's spies.

I sighed in frustration. Oh stop overreacting Kira, they could just be ordinary pigeons...

"Jake, you up?" I softly spoke to him, but he remained still. However, he let out a moan, assuring me that he was alive and not dead. After a few more minutes, he began to stir and shifted to face me on his side.

"Ani-uh..Kira . . . Why . . . What are you doing up this early in the morning?" he asked, his eyes went over to his bedside alarm and fluttered shut.

"I always awake at 5 am in the morning, it's more of a developed habit from a routine I had all my life," I said.

"Just why?" Jake croaked.

"Well, when I was young, I have always LOVED to see sunrises, I snuck at least every day to feel the fresh morning dew and the cool air accompanied by the warm sun rays," I explained as my eyes visually took me away from Jake's room for only a moment to visualised my past right in front of me. I smiled at the memory.

A knock came on the door. "Jake, Anita, you guys up??"Opening the door slightly, a man's voice whispered as he took a quick peek inside. "Morning!" He greeted me, It was Jake's father. Jake only moans in response, 98% asleep. "Uhh, Anita, my wife, Maryann, should have some things for you to wear, she's just in her room, picking out things for you, wanna head down there whilst I try awake Jake?"

With a thumbs-up, I acknowledged him before standing up and walking past Mr. Portman to go see his wife, Maryann. As I strolled down the hallway, I noticed a room with its door wide open and the light inside was on. When she noticed me quietly coming towards her, she stood up, and asked me to wait right where I was standing, which happened to be by the doorframe, and then she walked to the opposite side of her room.

Maryann returned with a stack of clothes after a short while. She gave them to me and suggested I change in her room, so I did. Once I was ready, I rejoined everyone in the kitchen for breakfast. After we finished eating, we made our way to the car and drove off.

* * *

Upon our arrival at the therapy centre, we parked the car, walked into the building, and took a seat in the waiting room. "So . . . Why are we here again?" I whispered so god damned quietly that my voice was barely audible to Jake himself, even when I whispered directly into his ear.

"When you fell asleep, I explained everything that had happened yesterday. I told them what I saw, but I kept your gun and talking abilities a secret, although, on the gun's behalf, I'm pretty sure they don't want to hear that we've been involved with firearms. Besides that, I think that they think that we need someone to talk it out with," Jake whispered back.

"Jake and Anita?" A deep voice spoke. Jake and I rose to our feet, then we trailed behind the doctor who had summoned us. We entered his office and settled onto a plain grey couch. "Hello, children. I'm Doctor Golan, You must be Jake," said Dr Golan as he nodded to Jake. "And you must be . . . Anita," he said.

I gave a nod, but deep down, I couldn't shake off the feeling of suspicion, especially considering how this man had greeted me with hesitation. I narrowed my eyes, attempting to see beyond his facade as we locked gazes, both of us harbouring doubts for a few moments until Jake intervened by waving his hand between us.

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