Extras (B2)

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{Video is mine}

Story draft layout:

* Kira becomes anti-social and reflects on herself. Some peculiars blamed Kira for all of this (Enoch. Horace & Hugh)

* Claire ends up in rough waters. Kira saves Claire. Bronwyn's boat capsized. Kira goes to save Bronwyn.

* Group saves Emma. Emma finds land. Peculiars on land. Kira zaps Enoch. Kira almost fried her mother.

* Jake and Millard forces Kira on the ground. Kira eventually calms down but is deep down upset

* Horace and Fiona finds something. Group goes investigate. Kira runs away. Gypsies. Peculiars get caught by Gypsies

* Timone. Peculiar and Gypsy = Allies. Kira rejoins the peculiars. Gyspy drops them off at a town

* Caught train. Wight kidnap peculiars. Mr White. Mr White got the wights to escort Kira back to the fortress

* Kira gets tasered. Kira gets restrained. Kira gets taunted. Kira gets electrocuted. Kira gets her arm stabbed.

* Kira practically gets abused. Kira gets saved by a particular wight. Wight tends to Kira. Bryce reveal. Bryce is gay

* Hugh, Bryce, and Kira take out the wights in the shed. Bryce drives everyone to the train station. Everyone hops on the train

* Bryce stays behind. Everyone rests on the train. Kira gets healed. Kira experiences a blackout during healing.

* While Kira was unconscious, the group finds Miss Wren. Kira wakes up in the infirmary and Timone explains she had an allergic reaction to the healing incantation on the train.

* Kira had other injuries (Injured leg & head. Broken rib). Timone speaks about Bryce. Kira healed herself

* Kira has a fever. Horror discoveries. Map of Days. Jake's announcement. Sleep. Timone wakes Kira up.

* Timone evacuates Kira. Bryce finds Kira. Kira felt betrayed. Bryce leaves Kira with Addison. Wights finds Kira

* Kira runs. Kira climbs up a building via pipe. Wights beat Kira to the top. Kira 'trapped'. Kira jumps off the building

* Kira tries to transform into a bird but once again fails. Addison gets Kira into hiding. Kira's wings bloomed out

* Wights find Addison and Kira's hideout. Chase. Subway tunnel. Bathroom. Opportunity. Hollow. END


Kira Peregrine Spotify vibes:



Kira's current peculiarity chart:
Nothing new :)

Anger = Lightning.
Mad = Thunder
Excited = Heatwave
Neutral/Happy = Clear day
Anxiety/scared = Fog
Anxious = Mist
Dread = Cold weather
Sad = rain
Depressed = Snow


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