Chapter 28

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{Pic is mine}

{ Edited - 3rd Nov, 2020 }
{ Edited - 25th April, 2024 }

Everything was peaceful and hushed as the white glow vanished, revealing that I had somehow ended up in Miss Peregrine's room.

What the heck am I doing here?How did I end up here?What time is it?When did this happen?Does Miss Peregrine know I'm in here?

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What the heck am I doing here?
How did I end up here?
What time is it?
When did this happen?
Does Miss Peregrine know I'm in here?

I was so disoriented at first, but then a chilling thought crossed my mind - what if I sleepwalked here? I have to leave before Miss Peregrine walks in! I swiftly sat up and spotted Miss Peregrine at the foot of the bed. I felt my soul left my body. "M-MISS PEREGRINE?!" I shouted in surprise. Not gonna lie, it felt weird saying that. I swiftly moved away from her bed and retreated a couple of feet, causing me to trip backwards, but I quickly regained my footing.

"Please, accept my apologies," she said. "I should have better prepared you," she said.

"What?" I said, confused.

"It appears that you have fainted right at the beginning of the transition. I believe this may be due to the physical strain of moving around with a stitched wound, experiencing blood loss, and feeling exhausted all day long. It is imperative that you take some time to rest," Miss Peregrine beckoned me over with a gentle pat on her bed, inviting me to join her. "I am required to arrange a suitable room for you. However, for tonight, you may utilize my bedroom,"

"Where would you sleep?"

"Downstairs, of course," She smiled. Suddenly, she stood up and headed towards the door, before halting to glance in my direction, "Goodnight, Miss Wilde," she whispered, and like that, she left.

* * *

The following morning greeted me with a chilly, fresh, and clear day. The sky displayed a reliable pink hue, with clouds taking on shapes that brought a sense of comfort and familiarity. My usual routine had me waking up at 5 am, but today was different. I hesitated to go downstairs, as Miss Peregrine might still be asleep or possibly awake. If she were to spot me, it would undoubtedly lead to numerous questions.

... Meh, who cares, yolo. As I rose from the bed, my limbs ached terribly, except for my shoulder which made me wish for a swift end to my suffering. Waves of excruciating pain continued to assault me, but that didn't deter me from getting out of bed and tidying it up for Miss Peregrine.

This was her room, and I wanted to show her the respect she deserved, regardless of my own discomfort. I made my way to the door, opened it, and left her room, descending the stairs with caution and silence. "Who is awake at this early hour of the morning?" As I paused in my tracks, a powerful female voice boomed out of nowhere.

I was right about before, Miss Peregrine was awake, how could I be so stupid to think she wasn't going to be up, she's the goddammed headmistress looking after her peculiar wards, of course, she has to be up earlier than them!

"Uh . . . It's me? Anita?" I whispered as I hurried down the stairs and headed to the kitchen, where I found her cooking scrambled eggs with bacon.

"Oh my, why are you awake at this ungodly hour? Did the pain rouse you from your slumber?" she asked.

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