Chapter 3.

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{Chapter edited - 12th May, 2020 }
{Chapter edited - 6th April, 2024 }

I dashed towards the log, effortlessly leapt over it, and eagerly lifted it up. To my surprise, I stumbled upon a precious find - a long-forgotten string that Ardelia had carefully concealed from the world for whatever reason

Ardelia Fischbach is one of Miss Crow's wards who has the amazing ability to create instantly whenever she holds or touches something. It's a shame that she's a sleepwalker, as her unique trait and sleepwalking don't really mix well because let me tell you... things ALWAYS go missing, whether it's her stuff, your stuff, the villager's stuff, or even the Ymbryne's. Consider it, GONE. NEVER TO BE FOUND AGAIN.

Imagine Miss Crow's surprise when she realized that the doorknob to the girl's dormitory room was missing after she had been sleepwalking and hiding objects she had come into contact with. Miss Crow's reaction is priceless! 

Staying awake into the late hours last night allowed me to witness Ardelia's sleepwalking catastrophe. Unaware of her actions, she strolled into the Ward B boy's dormitory and mischievously tossed a fellow peculiar's underwear into the river near the house. Afterwards, she quietly made her way back to Ward B girl's dormitory room and peacefully tucked herself into bed like she did nothing bad. 

And yes, we do officially have Ward A (Miss Raven) and Ward B (Miss Crow). Half the house belonged to one Ymbryne and the other half belonged to the other. 

It's hard to forget the time when Ardelia surprised everyone by setting up a campfire inside the toilet bowl of Ward B, using Miss Crow's clothing as fire fuel. Miss Raven couldn't stop laughing and teasing Miss Crow for a whole 5 weeks, causing poor Ardelia to feel guilty even though she had done nothing wrong. Typical Ymbryne banter.

I should also mention that there is a system the Ymbrynes have here. In the event that you are either younger than 10 years old or possess a harmless peculiarity, Miss Raven will be responsible for your care. Whereas if it was the opposite, Miss Crow will be responsible for you if you're older than 10 AND have a peculiarity that's considered as either dangerous, intense, or risky.

Apart from that, I stumbled upon a massive rock in the far-off distance. While I was sprinting, I began fastening the string from one end to the other, crafting a makeshift bow and arrow. I intentionally dropped down onto the floor and rolled on the ground, quickly grabbing any sticks that I could get hold of. 

The moment I reached the boulder, I wasted no time and immediately jumped onto it, scaling my way to the top. Looking back, I let loose the first Arrow/stick, which found its target in a tree. To my surprise, I noticed Barron standing just beside it, with the arrow mere inches away from his left ear.

"Barron!" I had a moment of panic when he unexpectedly started following me. It caught me completely off guard. But holy crap, my aim was good. I impressed myself with that one. 

"Sharp, very sharp moves, champ," He smiled softly. "You're sharp as your mother," He chuckles softly while raising his arms in a gesture of surrender.

"Don't even with her," The mere mention of her name made my heart skip a beat, and I couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness for a moment.

"She'll come back for you someday, I promise," Barron assured me. I refrained from giving him a reply and simply stayed in a moody state. "Well. I gotta head to work, take it easy for me, champ," Mr Barron flashed me another smile and gave me a salute, "And may the odds be ever in your favour!" Once he uttered those words, he swiftly spun around and began jogging towards the town. 

Standing atop this massive boulder, you'll witness the eerie sight of lifeless trees, particularly their branches extending from sturdy trunks to delicate ends, gradually darkening. The sky's vibrant orange hue, the refreshing chill in the air, and the delightful sunrise create a truly magical experience.

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