Chapter 9

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With unsteady movements, Nim managed to rise to his feet, the effects of the electric shock still evident. In a split second, he regained his composure, his hands fluttering like tiny wings as his eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of something or someone lurking in the corners. "My name's Nim" He managed to squeak out. "And I'm to notify—yes, under strict instructions"

With a worried expression, I observed him closely in case he tried anything funny. The words that escaped his lips seemed to flow uncontrollably as if I'd just unwired his entire brain. Whoops. Panic gripped me for a hot second as I imagined Caul, that god-awful uncle, taking us from the mob only to take me and sell my friends for spare parts or sacrifice them to the Hollows.

"EMMA?! JAKE!?" I attempted to unlock the door next to me since the doorknob was stubborn, but it remained resolutely immovable. "GUYS?!" I banged on the door, waiting for a reaction from whoever was on the other side of it. I turned my attention to Nim and pointed angrily at the door. "OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR OR I WILL END YOU RIGHT HERE! RIGHT NOW!" I threatened. 

Nim's voice trembled with terror as he cried out, watching me menacingly approach him. In my hand, I held yet another electric ball, ready to unleash its destructive power upon its next helpless victim. Before I knew it, the sound of footsteps grew louder as they neared the door next to me and unexpectedly, the door swung open, forcefully striking my left shoulder. I find myself distracted when a few people rush in and tackle me to the floor.

I was putting all my effort into defending myself and trying to fend off those who were trying to pin me to the floor. "KIRA! HEY! IT'S ME! IT'S ME! DON'T SHOOT!" The person sitting on top of my chest quickly said as he reacted swiftly, intertwining his fingers with mine to discourage me from unleashing my peculiarity and causing hell for anyone. Despite their efforts, I couldn't shake the thought that it was a risky move on their part, as I could easily electrocute them.

"Hey, it's me, it's me," The man perched on my chest wouldn't stop talking. I glanced up at his face and recognized him instantly - it was Jake. Holy shit. After I managed to calm myself, Jake finally got off of my chest and stepped aside, giving me some room to sit or stand up. I slowly stood up, absorbing my surroundings and allowing myself to process the chaotic situation unfolding before me.

A different man burst into the room, this time a doctor, who hurried over to me, grabbed my arm firmly and swiftly led me back to the bed. "Hey?! What gives!" I say, pissed off.

"Don't exert yourself, you're still recovering!" he said. The doctor turned to Nim and instructed him to locate Mr. Bentham. Nim dashed out, hitting the doorframe and tumbling into the hallway. What a skinny idiot. Suddenly, Emma appeared at the door, breathless and smiling, her hair cascading over a pristine white gown.

"Don't you look better," I told her, feeling relieved to know that she was also doing alright. Seeing Jake and Emma side by side filled me with a sudden surge of energy, prompting me to sit up and shove the doctor away in order to swing my legs over the edge of the bed.

"Careful with her, she's delicate!" The doctor warned.

"Shut up, you," I snapped at him.

"And cranky," he muttered. 

"Nice to see you're up and awake," As she approached the bed, a kind smile graced her face, Jake not far behind. With a touch as delicate as a feather, Emma hugged me before settling herself on the edge of the bed, she positioned herself beside me, a reassuring presence in times of need. "I'm sorry I wasn't here when you woke up. They said you'd be out for hours more,"

"Did they now," I said with a little sarcasm in my tone. "Where the hell are we?" 

Emma's eyes darted towards the doctor, who was engrossed in scribbling something in a tiny notebook. It was evident that he was fully engaged in listening to her. Sensing the need for privacy, Emma discreetly turned away from him and lowered her voice, ensuring our conversation remained confidential. "We're at a rich man's house in Devil's Acre. Someplace hidden. exactly friend, but I don't know what to call him aside his name, Sharon, brought us here a day, day and a half ago."

My gaze lingered on Emma's face, carefully examining every detail. Her skin appeared flawlessly smooth, and the scars that once marked her were now mere faint white lines, barely noticeable. I remember seeing a cut on her head right before I lost consciousness from being beaten by the lunatics. "You're healed???" I asked. I quickly glanced over at Jake and noticed that he was also completely healed, not a single bruise in sight. "You too!" I pointed at him.

Emma smiled softly, "Yeah, I only had a few bruises and a cut on my head, that's all," she easily shrugged it off like it was nothing.

"I only had a few nicks and bumps here and there ..." Jake added.

"That's insane, who healed us?" I gawked.

Before I could even hear a single word of an answer from anyone, the doctor rudely interrupted, leaving me hanging without an answer. "You had a broken rib, the skin on your back was ripped up," he said as he went through his notes. A wave of unease washed over me as he brought up the last part of his sentence. The reason behind my shredded back was as clear as a cloudless sky to me, and those pesky wings were to blame.

"They have a woman here," Jake said. "A healer. Her body produces a powerful dust-"

"Blood loss and a double concussion-" The doctor cuts Jake off.

"Will you shut up?!" I snapped, clearly irritated, I just want some damn answers, but apparently not today!

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