Chapter 12

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Emma's face was clouded with a look of sadness. "The past week was truly dreadful for everyone. Despite her conflicting emotions, your mother fulfilled her responsibilities with determination, even though her moodiness and strictness made for an unfavourable combination. She didn't talk to any of us unless necessary, but we all understood that she was just going through a loss." Emma's eyes were heavily trained on my crumbled and wrinkled blanket. "We tried to help out a little, we had our own little system where the older kids looked after the younger ones."

Jake gently intertwined his fingers with Emma's, offering a comforting squeeze that conveyed his unwavering support. He wanted her to feel reassured that he would be there for her, ready to lend a listening ear whenever she needed it. "That same week, Victor couldn't handle all these new rules and decided to walk out, meeting his tragic end. Bronwyn had lost her older brother, Enoch lost his best friend, and foremostly, Miss Peregrine lost her ward."

"I'm guessing it still doesn't get better from there?" Jake asked.

Emma shook her head, staring down at Jake's hand. "She truly lost all hope when she heard your grandfather passed... She lost Charlotte. She lost her daughter. Her son becomes a Wight. Lost her ward... Now, she lost her friend... But when you guys came to visit, things started to get better from there... Aside from that little ambush attack in the end." Emma flashed a gentle smile.

Emma continued and she looked at both me and Jake, holding both of our hands. "Guys, we are so damn close to getting our friends and Ymbryne back! and I know things are going to get dangerous from here on out, so I need you guys to promise me something,"

"Oh boy, I hate promises," I muttered.

"Please?" Emma pouts.

"Fine," I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I need you both to not die," She said.

"Mmmm, I don't know about that one," I said.

"Ahh," Sharon said airily from the corner, "The sweet lies friends and lovers tell-"

Emma, Jake and I slowly spaced away from each other. "You're not supposed to be listening!" Jake snapped.

"That was very long enough," The sound of his chair being dragged across the floor echoed through the room as he settled it next to the bed. "We have important things to discuss. Namely, the apology you owe me," he said.

"For what?" Emma said, irritated.

"Impugning my character and reputation," said Sharon. I snickered at that.

"Every word was true, this loop is full of scumbags and creeps, and you are a money-driven lout," said Jake.

"With not an ounce of sympathy for the plight of his own people," Emma added. "Though, again, thank you for saving us." she smiled.

"Around here you learn to look out for number one," Sharon said. "Everyone's got a story. A plight. Everyone wants something from you, and they're almost always lying. So yes, I remain unapologetically self-directed and profit-motivated. But I deeply resent your suggestion that I would have dealings of any kind with someone who trades in peculiar flesh. Just because I'm a capitalist doesn't mean I'm a black-hearted bastard." he said.

"And how could we have known that?" Jake said. "We had to beg and bribe you not to abandon us at the dock, remember?"

He shrugged. "That was before I realized who you are."

In an instant, Sharon became the sole object of Jake's attention, and he emphasized his point by pointing directly at his chest. "Who I am?" he said.

"You, my boy. Mr Bentham's been waiting a long time to speak to you. Since the day I first hung my shingle as a boatman—forty-odd years ago. Bentham ensured me safe passage in and out of the Acre if I promised to keep an eye out for you while I did it. I was to bring you to see him. And now, finally, I've kept my end of the bargain."

"You must have me confused with someone else, I'm nobody," Jake said.

"He said you'd be able to speak to hollowgast. How many peculiars do you know who can do that?" said Sharon.

"But he's only sixteen," Emma said.

"Really sixteen. So how can—"

"That's why it took me a while to put it all together," said Sharon. "I had to go see Mr Bentham about it personally, which is where I was when you two ran away. You don't fit the description, see. All these years I've been keeping watch for an old man." he said

"An old man," Jake said.

"Right." Sharon nodded.

"Who can talk to hollows." said Jake.

"As I said."

Jake and Emma shared a quick glance, their eyes filled with unspoken understanding. Without hesitation, Jake boldly stepped forward, his voice filled with determination as he made his demand, "I want to talk to this Bentham guy. Right now."

"He'll see you when he's ready," Sharon said.

"No," Jake said."Now."

Suddenly, a loud rap on the door interrupted the silence. Sharon wasted no time in opening it, only to be greeted by Nim's face. "Mr Bentham will meet our guests for tea in one hour," he said, "In the library."

I leapt out of bed, dashed out the door, and sprinted down the hallway. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Sharon shouting and chasing after me, sending a shiver down my spine. Lil ol' Grim Reaper chasing after you when it's your time... Come to think of it, the real Grim Reaper must be sick of me by now.

As I turned my head to the left, I noticed a set of stairs leading upwards. Without hesitation, I sprinted towards the stairs, leaping two steps at a time. Upon reaching the top floor, I hurried down a corridor lined with doors on either side. Suddenly, a furry creature bumped into me, causing me to collide forcefully with the wall.

As I massaged my throbbing temples, my gaze shifted upwards and locked onto a colossal bear. In an instant, a blood-curdling scream escaped my lips, fueled by sheer terror. "AAAAAAHHH!!" My screams reverberated through the room, while Sharon had already ascended to the top floor and stood frozen in his tracks.

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