Chapter 25

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{ Edited - 13th Oct, 2020 }
{ Edited - 23th April, 2024 }

"As peculiars, we are bestowed with extraordinary talents that are not found in the general populace. These talents are as diverse and countless in their combinations as the differences in skin color or facial characteristics among others. Nevertheless, there are some abilities that are more widespread, like the power to read minds, while others are more uncommon, such as my own aptitude for manipulating time." said Miss Peregrine.

"Time? I thought you turned into a bird." said Jake.

"It is certain that the key to my skill lies in this fact. Time manipulation is a skill possessed exclusively by birds, hence all individuals with this ability must have the capability to transform into a bird."

"Birds . . . are time travellers?"

Miss Peregrine nodded soberly. "The majority, however, only occasionally slip back and forth unintentionally. Those of us who possess the ability to consciously manipulate time fields, not just for ourselves but also for others, are referred to as ymbrynes. We establish temporal loops that allow peculiar individuals to reside indefinitely."

"A loop," Jake repeated, "Is that what this place is?"

"Yes. Though you may better know it as the third of September, 1940."

Jake leaned toward her over the little desk he was sitting in. "What do you mean? It's only the one day? It repeats?"

"Our experience of it is continuous, allowing us to retain memories of the last seventy years we have spent residing here. This continuous repetition has enabled us to accumulate a wealth of experiences and knowledge. Without this continuity, our ability to recall past events would be greatly diminished," She looked at me, "Miss Wilde, you seem quietly unfazed,"

"Yeah, I'm aware of peculiardom," I said. "Not my cup of tea though," I partly lied.

Jake looks at me, "You really weren't kidding with all this stuff...." He said, looking amazed. I rolled my eyes in response. "So you can really m-manipulate the weather??"

"Jake, I'm in pain, bug off," I warned.

"Well... I can't tell if I'm dreaming or not," Jake muttered.

"Well, in that case, I assure you that you're not dreaming," She smiled, and then Miss Peregrine looked over to me. "You might be the first uncontacted peculiar to have ever approached me, but apart from that, you are most welcome to stay here with us permanently, for as long as you wish," she offered warmly.

"But I hardly know you . . . or the kids who stays here . . ." I replied.

"Undoubtedly, given the length of your intended stay, we will have sufficient time to familiarize ourselves with one another. As you gradually realize that residing here is not as unfavourable as it may seem, you might reconsider my offer. Nevertheless, I will always respect your thoughts and wishes. . . . Whatever makes you happy, dear," she smiled.

What's that saying on that show again? I'm a celebrity, get me out of here! Well . . . I'M KIRA PEREGRINE, GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!

Miss Peregrine turned to Jake. "In any case, it is important to acknowledge that we had been on Cairnholm for over ten years prior to the third of September, 1940. Thanks to the unique geography of the island, we were already physically isolated. However, it was not until that specific date that we also realized the requirement for temporal isolation."

"Why's that?" said Jake.

"Because otherwise we all would've been killed."

"Killed by what?"

"A bomb," Miss Peregrine replied.

"Are there other loops besides this one?"

"Many," she said, "And nearly all the ymbrynes who mother over them are friends of mine. Let me see...." She hesitated and carefully brought down a large photo album from a shelf, placing it on the desk between Jake and I. Leaning in close behind me, she flipped through the pages, searching for specific pictures while taking her time to admire others, her voice filled with wistful memories. As the images passed by, I spotted the familiar faces of my former Ymbrynes, Miss Raven and Miss Crow.

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