Chapter 38

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{ Edited - 30th April, 2024 }

I was known as the girl who never backed down from a challenge, always ready to stand tall again. However, Barron suddenly rolled to his side, causing me to stumble to the ground. As I lifted my head, a wave of fear washed over me as I saw Barron approaching with a loaded gun, ready to take aim. He fired two more shots, hitting my left ankle, and the pain was so intense that I couldn't help but cuss and scream.

"Arg! Bloody children!" He spun around with a scowl on his face, looking out at the ocean before turning back to me. He yanked my arm, pulling me up to stand, then swiftly wrapped his arm around my neck while aiming the gun at my head. Without warning, he shoved me towards the edge of the steep hill. I could only wince in pain. "Come any closer and I'll shoot her!" he shouted.

As I peered down at the beach, I saw the children running around. Suddenly, Barron raised his gun in their direction. However, my attention was diverted by a large object heading straight for us. Reacting quickly, I ducked down, allowing Barron to bear the full force of the incoming projectile.

As I looked up, I witnessed the flying object soaring directly above me before it struck Barron in the face. He stumbled backwards, letting out a loud scream. I tried to crawl away, but my ankles were forcefully pulled back. Unexpectedly, Barron lifted me onto his shoulders and headed towards the birdcage, effortlessly grabbing the handle with his free hand.

He walked into the lighthouse and began ascending the winding stairs. I believe we were only halfway up when I heard Jake and Emma's voices. "JAKE! EMMA!!" I yelled.

Barron suddenly halted and began firing at them, but unfortunately, he missed his targets. Within a matter of seconds, the entire staircase of the lighthouse began to tremble vigorously. Suddenly, I heard a loud clanging noise echoing down the steps, causing me to startle. Barron, in frustration, started swearing loudly. He swiftly wrapped his arm around me, ensuring that I couldn't slip away or take any action to aid my escape. Without wasting any time, he hurriedly ascended towards the top.

As we reached the summit of the lighthouse, the blinding light greeted us. Barron tightly held onto my waist as he cautiously circled around the immense brightness, positioning himself away from the entrance. Suddenly, my eyes caught sight of Jake on the left, gripping a gun. The moment he spotted us, he menacingly aimed it directly at Barron.

"Let them go, Golan!" Jake said calmly.

Barron swiftly dashed in the opposite direction, catching me off guard. To my surprise, Emma appeared, clutching a spray can and a lighter. Without hesitation, she aimed the can at the flickering flames and unleashed a burst of spray, causing a massive blaze that engulfed both Barron and me. Reacting swiftly, Barron swiftly changed course, never loosening his grip around my waist.

"Stop!" Jake yelled.

Barron lifted the cage and allowed me to slide down from his shoulder. Suddenly, he crouched down and swiftly wrapped his arm around my neck, pulling me up forcefully. I clung to his arm, wincing in pain as I struggled to stand. He shook the cage and tightened his grip, causing me to gasp for air.

How did things end up like this? Mr. Barron, a man I considered a close friend. The person who helped me when I fell from the tree? The one who always made sure I got home safely? The one I confided in when I needed someone to listen... And now, my former close friend is attempting to kill my other friends and has taken me captive to torture and abuse me, essentially holding me hostage.

"Barron! Please! You're starting to scare me," I choked.

I saw the storm raging around me, wondering if it would be dangerous to strike myself. I'm aware that electricity can move, but it could also reach the cage holding the birds, and I couldn't take that risk. I had to wait until he was no longer touching the cage before I could proceed. I needed to mentally prepare and charge myself up in the meantime.

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