Chapter 14

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{ Edited - 10th Sep, 2021 }
{ Edited -  8th May 2024 }

The car came to an abrupt halt, causing a sudden jolt. The driver leaned out of the window and glanced ahead. "Hey you, get off there!" he yelled.

Right now, I'm working on calming my breathing down because if I don't, I might hyperventilate and faint. The pain was hitting me in waves, each one stronger than the last. I gripped the cuffs to redirect my focus away from the pain. Amidst my grunts and groans, I strained to hear any thudding noises nearby.

"Shut up!" The wight beside me unexpectedly hit me in the head with such force that I couldn't regain my balance. Before I knew it, I was on the ground with a throbbing headache. My hands hung limply above me, leaving me feeling powerless.

The driver kept yelling while leaning halfway out of the window, causing the front-seat passenger to exit the car first, followed by the two passengers in the back with me. The driver chose not to exit the vehicle but rather returned to the car and shouted. "They're invisible, watch out!"

He swiftly drew a gun from his holster, then abruptly pointed to the side and fired a shot. "STOP!" I yelled. I felt a surge of panic and frantically tugged at the cuffs, hoping my hands would somehow slip free. The fear that the invisible kid could be someone familiar, like Millard or Radi, weighed heavily on my mind. I couldn't bear the idea of them risking their lives for me. Just then, I heard an elderly man groan.

Observing the two wights, I noticed they were still scanning the area, hoping to find that unseen child.


The driver suddenly fired at the wight that stabbed me.


He pulled the trigger on the other person who was taunting me.

I was taken aback as I glanced back at the driver, especially considering what had just occurred. To my surprise, he unfastened his seatbelt and removed his sunglasses, revealing his pupilless eyes. Stepping out of the car, he approached the back seat and joined me. Bending down, he retrieved a first aid kit from beneath the bench, a modern-looking one.

He glanced in my direction and kindly assisted me to take a seat on the bench. "Don't bite your tongue," he said.

"What?" He softly grasped my arm while tightly gripping the knife handle with his other hand, causing his knuckles to turn white. "W-Wait wait, what are you doing?!"

He looks at me with a charming smile, "Before I do this, I would like to know how has your day been so far?"

He appeared very approachable, which left me feeling puzzled, worried, and a bit disoriented. "What!?" I said. Then the bastard went ahead and pulled the knife from my arm. I screamed in pain with my head thrown back.

"It's ok, it's over, it's done, it's out," he said as he gently patted my back. "Good job!" He swiftly accessed the first aid kit and took out a needle along with a vial of transparent liquid.

I moved as far away from him as I could. "What on earth is in that!" I exclaimed, staring at him and then glancing back at the needle.

"Numbing serum," he said.

"No, it's not!"

"Yes, it is!"



"I don't trust you with that," I snapped.

"Too bad," Shrugging indifferently, he flicked the bubbles aside and leaned towards me to insert it into my arm. In a split second, I lifted both legs and kicked him away, keeping myself safe by keeping him away from me.

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