Chapter 20

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{ Edited - 1st Sep, 2020 }
{ Edited - 18 April, 2024 }

After Mr. Portman settled the fare with the taxi driver, we exited the car and made our way towards the boat docks. As I stepped onto the wooden platform beneath me, a sudden rush of memories flooded my mind. It felt as if I had returned to the exact dock where I had disembarked from Germany. I couldn't help but pause and gaze at it, reliving the scenes that unfolded before me once more.

After a little while, I suddenly felt a strong shake and heard someone calling out my fake name loudly. "Anita, hey! Anita? Hello? Earth to Anita!" said Jake.I suddenly broke free from my trance and glanced upwards, catching a glimpse of Jake's father observing us from behind his son's shoulders.

"Everything alright?" Mr Portman asked. I reassured him by giving a thumbs up and a soft smile to indicate that everything was fine.

"Anita, what happened, talk to me," Jake whispered as he grabbed both of my shoulders.

"Sorry, I had a flashback, but I'm okay now," I whispered back.

"Is it a good one or . . . A bad one?"

"Jake, I'm okay," I stepped back and walked around him.

After a short while, a boat bound for Carinholm was announced. Only Jake, Mr Portman, and I got up from our seats and made our way to dock 1 to embark on the boat.

As we sailed, a mix of emotions overwhelmed me - excitement, fear, anticipation, and joy. However, the scenery seemed to be in a state of confusion, as if it was drunk. First, a warm and rosy ambience enveloped us for a brief five minutes, and then a thick fog gradually surrounded us. After that, the air around us became thin, and finally, it transformed into a perfectly clear and ordinary day.

Let's be real for a minute, shall we? It was like stepping back in time to my childhood. I couldn't help but feel a surge of childlike excitement. I found myself running around, exploring every corner of the ship, and peering down into the mesmerizing ocean. The ship's gentle rocking had me slipping and sliding, perfectly synchronized with its rhythmic motion. It was an absolute blast!

* * *

Following our 2-day trip, the captain made an exciting announcement, assuring us that we would reach our destination in just a few minutes! I stepped outside with Jake and his father, feeling a mix of nervousness and anticipation. After all, it had been so many years since I last set foot on this island, the place where I likely came into this world. The energy within me was building up, ready to burst forth, along with the burning ache in my heart.

"LOOK!" Mr Portman raised his voice and gestured towards the distance. Jake and I caught sight of a rugged cliff through the dense fog, which only added to my growing anxiety.

Home . . .

"This is where you were born? Right?" Said Jake. I nodded in agreement while keeping a close watch on the island. However, I caught a glimpse of Jake from the corner of my eye, as he turned towards me from the railing he was leaning on.

"Yes, at least I think this is the place, I don't remember much of it though," I said, finally out loud for Mr Portman to hear.

"You can talk?!" he said.

"I'm not stupid, I was able to talk and understand English this entire time, I just didn't want the cops being up in my business," I said.

"Holy crap . . . She talks! Jake . . . A-are you hearing this?!"

"Dad . . . I already knew,"

"BIRD!" Mr Portman suddenly pointed up at the sky, making us both jump. Jake and I looked up to see a bird soaring overhead.

When the moment arrived, my immediate thought was to hurry indoors and conceal myself. However, upon reflection, I realized that if it turned out to be the spies or ymbrynes, they wouldn't have the faintest idea that it was truly me. I've advanced in age and developed to a point where it's simply impossible for them to identify me.

While I stood completely motionless, I sensed a hand on my shoulder. Before any words were spoken, the boat suddenly came to a jolting halt, causing me to fall to the ground with Jake landing on top of me.

"Ah, geez, I'm sorry Kira," He lightly chuckled.

"You're alright," Jake swiftly rose to his knees while I reached out for the nearby railings to assist myself in standing up.

"Yeah, I was just gonna remind you to get your stuff, so we can leave this ship quicker," said Jake.

"Roger that, Captian," I grinned while giving Jake a salute before making my way inside the boat. I jogged energetically towards our cabin, eager to pack up all my belongings and stuff them into my trusty backpack. Once I was confident that I had everything I needed, I slung the backpack over my shoulder and prepared to embark on our adventure.

As I rushed out, I noticed that both Jake's father and Jake had their bags in hand, all set to get off the boat. Gradually, the boat started to decelerate as it neared the dock, and within just 5 minutes, we came to a halt. The three of us were the first to step off the ship, but I took the lead and sprinted ahead of our little group, making my way to the village.

"Anita, hey!!" As I sprinted towards the village, I could hear Jake's voice calling out my name from afar. The surroundings appeared strangely unfamiliar yet strangely reminiscent at the same time. "Anita!!" Jake called out once more. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to swiftly turn around and find Jake standing there. "Anita, Dad found the hotel, let's at least settle in!" He rested his hand on my shoulder and gave it a little squeeze.

"Hey, Jake, you know what, change of plans, I'll meet you at the hotel, I'm just gonna check on something, I want to see . . . if the thing that I left behind here is still there," I fibbed while taking my bag off my shoulders, tossed it towards Jake, and quickly ran away from him.

"Wait!" Jake yelled.

I ignored him, that's the last thing I wanna do, which was wait. Since everything was happening unexpectedly, I wasn't ready for it mentally. As a result, I'm experiencing a whirlwind of emotions and I simply crave a quiet spot where I can gather myself and begin making small adjustments to settle in, considering we'll be here for three weeks.

As I jogged along the footpath, I stumbled upon a vast expanse of lush, vibrant green grass. The sight was breathtaking, and I couldn't resist venturing further towards the nearby woods. Pausing to catch my breath, I couldn't help but reminisce about the last time I had seen this view. However, my peaceful moment was abruptly interrupted when someone unexpectedly leapt onto my back, causing us both to tumble down into the soft grass.

"Wait, you lunatic!" It was Jake, of course.

"What?" As I shifted my weight, I managed to roll him off my back and onto the side.

"The woods? Don't tell me you were actually going in the woods alone!?" He said as we both sat up.

"What's wrong with going in the woods alone?" I said.

After we both stood up, we turned around and started walking into the woods. Jake began giving me a lengthy lecture about why I shouldn't venture into the woods alone. He kept expressing his concerns about potential dangers and kept sharing these silly scenarios that I highly doubted would ever occur.

I laughed, "Jake, you forget. I'm not just an ordinary person, I can easily defend myself from danger. My peculiarity is to control the weather, you goon."

"What? No you don't, that's literally impossible,"

"I promise you, I can," I smiled.

The most frightening aspect of walking in the woods is when I trust my intuition and instincts. It's as if I'm being guided by an unseen path or an invisible force pulling me forward. As we ventured deeper into the forest, we stumbled upon a massive willow tree. The urge to approach it, or even touch its trunk, was incredibly enticing. However, true to my nature, I couldn't resist the temptation.

As I approached the tree, my hand extended eagerly, and the moment my fingers grazed the rough bark, a wave of nostalgia washed over me. It was as if my vision had been transported back to a time when life was filled with vibrant colours, peaceful silence, and my own version of normal.

I could vividly recall the presence of Miss Crow, she was here on Carinholm island the day my mother gave me away. Miss Crow was leaning against the graceful willow tree. I reminisced about the days of my childhood when I would sit comfortably in her lap, cherishing her loving care. It was on that fateful day, under her watchful gaze, that a significant chapter of my life came to an end.

I can only recall one memory - Miss Crow singing me a special song until I fell asleep. 

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