Chapter 4.

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{ Edited - 19th May, 2020 }
{ Edited - 7th April, 2024 }

After reaching the top of the vine, I climbed onto the branch resembling a Y, sat at its base, leaned back against the tree trunk, and felt my arms become limp from exhaustion from my efforts of climbing all day today.

Upon finishing the relaxing session, I sat up and removed the bow from my shoulder. I placed my makeshift arrows down next to me before making the decision to climb down from the tree and leave my DIY items behind for another day.

I didn't quite land on my feet, so I had to cushion the fall to avoid any injuries by allowing myself to flop onto the ground. I got back on my feet and began making my way towards the nearby village. As I strolled along, I passed by the massive boulder and took the same route down the hill that Barron had just walked on to go to his work.

The sight of the green grass, refreshed by the night rain, gently swaying in the soft breeze was so calming. The warmth of the sun on my back felt really nice. As I continued to make my way down the slope, I welcomed the refreshing touch of the chilly breeze of freedom brushing against my face and weaving through my messy hair.

I continued walking until I stumbled upon a well-known rocky trail, and just as I was about to enter the cemetery, a sudden realization struck me like a ton of bricks. Death is not death without a cemetery! Of course! But what about 'who seemed to die, live? Wait a minute, I just remembered... Miss Raven said the answer is the Best Spoke Pocket Watch she has in her pocket. But I'm confused about how that is relevant. It's just a pocket watch, isn't it?

House you were born in. Miss Raven ALSO said that the answer to that riddle is the house we're living in right now, so that's a mystery we didn't have to solve. Friends of your springtime. That one is easy, it's basically the first Peculiar friend you made - For me, it was Mr Barron. Old man and young maid. Now this one, I'm not too entirely sure.

I started sprinting down the hill and made my way into the village as fast as I could. Once I reached the entrance, I took a sharp right turn and headed straight to the bakery. I should mention that I made a friend here in the village, he's an old man, who works at the bakery too. I pushed open the door marked "push," and a bell chimed overhead, signalling that a customer had entered the bakery. I walked in and gently closed the door behind me.

As I walked up to the counter, I noticed the man peacefully dozing off in his chair behind the counter. "Good day, Mr. Baker," I greeted him softly, making sure not to startle him too much.  Let's be real, nobody enjoys waking up to a scare from someone. Besides, this elderly man is quite frail, so it's not far-fetched to think that he could have a heart attack.

In an instant, his eyes popped open, revealing a pair of innocent and fatigued deep blue orbs. A friendly grin spread across his face as he cheerfully exclaimed, "Hey there, number 1!" Yep... That's my other nickname, number 1, or little number 1. The baker is like one of my closest friends. He always values the assistance I offer almost every day, unlike the people at home. His face suddenly dropped at the sight of me, "Child, what happened to you?!" 

I frowned, I looked down at myself to see I copped a lot of bruises all over, "Oh that," I snorted at myself. "Yeah, I fell out of a tree this morning," I shrugged like it was nothing.

"Kira, child. You need to be more careful when doing such drastic things,"

"I know, but it was one slip-up, don't worry, it won't happen again," I smiled. "You need help with anything, today?" I questioned while turning around a chair that was upside down on the table, placing it right side up on the floor, and sitting on it.

"Indeed I do need help," He mentioned while glancing around his store, appearing slightly disoriented. 

"I'm listening . . ."

" I feel like this shop needs to be... How to say? Needs a new makeover, as you can see," He motions towards the other shops across the street, all of which have a nice and welcoming appearance. "No one likes an old-looking shop nowadays, especially from a bakery, no no no,"

"Do you think we can make some sort of theme for the bakery?" I commented as I looked at the dull yellowish and whitish walls. "Correct me if I'm wrong but it's currently spring, right?" I looked back at Mr Baker.

"Yes, yes, it's spring alright," He gave me a warm and gentle smile.

"And this shop is near the

"Since the shop is situated near the green and thriving forest, perhaps the theme should our prime essence of spring? I mean, our town is quite famous for its greenery in the springtime?"

"We need to repaint the walls," Nodding towards the walls beside me, Mr. Baker seemed to be contemplating the potential success of my idea.

"Close the shop down for a bit and we will work on it together until it is done," I assured him. "First we will need to start off with the paint job. You move the furniture out of the way while I gather the paint stuff,"

I went into the Bakery's storeroom to collect all the painting supplies and the cans of paint. I managed to carry everything out in just one trip. The only thing I had to go back for was to close the door, otherwise that was it. 

I noticed that after I emerged, the furniture had been shifted to one side of the room, with the chairs and tables now positioned on the right side. This leaves the left side of the wall free for painting. "I thought maybe we can work with one side at a time?" As Mr Baker made his way towards me, he massaged his red neck and walked with a slight limp. 

Here's a fun fact about him: he has one leg shorter than the other. Normally, he proudly wears his peg leg, but it was taken from him not long ago. Now, he's determined to work extra to gather the money needed for a new one.

"If you like, you can still sell your pastries and such, but do it outside, unless you want them to taste like paint and get them multicoloured," I suggested. The Baker grinned at me, appreciative to have a buddy who truly gets him and his challenges, ready to lend a hand in any way possible. "Here, I'll help you set up outside

I lent a hand to Mr. Baker as we brought a table outside. Once I placed it by the store's entrance, I spotted Mr Baker carrying his favourite chair outdoors. Cute old man. He held a purple umbrella, with the stick tucked under his armpits.

Once he finished setting up his homemade counter, we began placing the pastries on the table. Instead of using the cash register, we decided to use the tip jar to keep his money safe. It seemed like a better option since using the cash register felt too risky.


Aka, Mr Baker


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