Chapter 15

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{ Edited - 15th Sep, 2021 }
{ Edited - 9th May, 2024 }

As I peered into the field, a sense of peace washed over me, knowing that Bryce was there by my side, keeping me safe. Out of nowhere, Hugh appeared, and I immediately recognized him.

I greeted him with a wave, and he responded by waving back at me. He then gave me a thumbs-up, checking if everything was alright. In response, I raised my hand in the air and gave him a thumbs-up as well. Hugh nodded and disappeared beneath the field. Curious, I pressed my ear against the wall to eavesdrop on the conversation that was happening inside.

"Where is your bird?" I heard Mr White ask calmly.

"She flew away," Olive said bitterly. "Just like that man told you."

"Her wing was injured. You were seen with her just yesterday. She couldn't be far from here." He cleared his throat. "I'll ask you again."

"She died," Timone said. "We threw her in a river."

"You guys did what!?" Bryce whispered to me, looking alarmed.

"What? No!" I whispered back.

"I see what the trouble is. You believe there's nothing to be gained by being honest with me. That we will kill you regardless of what you do or say. I need you to know this is not the case. However, in the spirit of total honesty, I will say this: you shouldn't have made us chase you. That was a mistake. This could've been so much easier, but now everyone's angry, you see because you've wasted so much of our time."

There was a pause.

"These men?" Mr White said and there came a pause. "They'd like very much to hurt you. I, on the other hand, am able to consider things from your point of view. We do seem frightening, I understand that. Our first meeting, on board my submarine, was regrettably uncivil. What's more, your Ymbrynes have been poisoning you with misinformation about us for generations."

It was clear to me that Mr. White was getting worked up, as his voice grew louder and he started speaking in an irritated tone. " So it's only natural that you'd run. In light of all that, I'm willing to make you what I believe to be a reasonable offer! Show us to the bird right now, and rather than hurting you, we'll send you off to a nice facility where you'll be well looked after. Fed every day, each with your own bed . . . a place no more restrictive than that ridiculous loop you've been hiding in all these years." said the wight, and then the others laughed.

"That's partly a lie," Bryce muttered, intending me to hear.

"How so?" I asked.

"There's a room in our fortress dedicated to you peculiars. We chain you to a bed and treat you like an experiment. You might be drugged, cut up, or tortured. Sometimes the wights will film it and send it over to the Ymbrynes, forcing them to comply whenever there's resistance from them," It was evident from Bryce's expression that he was greatly disturbed while recalling the memory that he likely witnessed.

"Is that why you saved me back there??"

Before Bryce had a chance to respond, our conversation was abruptly halted by the commanding voice of Mr. White. The mere sound of his words fills me with an overwhelming sense of fear for everyone's safety inside the shed.

"Can you believe they spent the last—what is it, seventy years?—on a tiny island, living the same day over and over? Worse than any prison camp I can think of. It would've been so much easier to cooperate!" he said. "But pride, venal pride, got the better of you. And to think, all this time we could've been working together toward a common good!"

"Working together?" said Emma. "You hunted us! Sent monsters to kill us!"

"Monsters?" said the wight. "That hurts. That's me you're talking about, you know! Me and all my men here, before we evolved. I'll try not to take your slight personally, though. The adolescent phase is rarely attractive, whatever the species." He clapped his hands sharply, which made me jump. "Now then, down to business!"

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