Library of Souls (3) Chapter 1

64 3 8

{ Posted - 8th March, 2024 }
{ Edited - 12th May, 2024 }


{ All fan arts does not belong to me nor the video unless stated that it is mine }

{Word count in each chapter now: 1000}

Book 2 Preview:Miss Peregrine is rescued but remains trapped in her bird form. Kira and her mother's wards leave Carinholm to seek help in turning Miss Peregrine back into a human, unaware that Kira's uncle has taken Miss Peregrine's place.

Kira locates her brother, Bryce, a wight who rescued her from danger. The peculiars find Miss Wren, leading to chaos. Kira manages to flee the mayhem after a thrilling pursuit, unlocking the beginning of her bird form along the way. She successfully evades the wights, unlike most of her friends.

Book 3 Description:
Kira, the daughter of Miss Peregrine, possesses a unique blend of Ymbryne and peculiar abilities. She utilizes her skills to protect her friends and fellow Ymbrynes in a thrilling showdown that will determine the fate of peculiardom.

Kira Peregrine, a sixteen-year-old girl, has recently tapped into her Ymrbryne abilities. Now, she fearlessly plunges into the depths of history, determined to rescue her friends from a heavily fortified fortress.

Joining Kira on her adventure is Jake Portman, a young boy who possesses the ability to see and communicate with Hollowgasts. Emma Bloom, a girl gifted with the power of fire, and Addison MacHenry, a loyal dog skilled at finding missing children. Bryce, Kira's older brother, is a wight who goes against his allies and his uncle in order to safeguard his mother and sister.


Jake snapped around and looked straight at Bryce "You!" and he began to charge towards my brother, gripping his phone tightly in his hand, eyes looking at Bryce with a burning hatred. I immediately stepped in front of my brother and pushed him aside as soon as Jake launched himself at him. A smashing impact came on top of my body as we collided into the ground together. 

I grabbed both of his fists, kneed him in his weak spot, and just when he was about to curl to the side, I forcefully rolled us over leaving him lying flat on the ground leaving me hovering above him, giving me the advantage, I pinned him down by putting all my weight into my hands, he was about to fight back until I yelled at him, annoyed. "Jake!" 

He froze, his eyes scanning my face. "Kira?. . . You're okay!" He sighed and relaxed, letting his head fall back onto the ground.

"She'll be okay when she's someplace safe!" Bryce snapped as he grabbed my waist and hoisted me up to my feet. "Meaning, we're leaving now," he said as he grabbed my hand and guided me towards the stairs that would take us to the exit out of the subway station.

"No!" Jake yelled. 

I turned around to see Jake got himself up and began to run toward us, trying to launch another attack at Bryce. "Stop it! The both of you!" I yelled as I yanked my hand away from Bryce and stepped in front of him. I turn to Bryce, "First of all, we're not leaving them!" I turn to Jake, "Second of all, he's not gonna hurt me!" 

"He's a wight! He's one of the men who broke into Miss Wren's hideout!" Jake snapped as he pointed at Bryce agitatedly.

"Bryce is my brother, and he's doing what he can to protect me!" I snapped back at Jake. A dark cloud appeared above and it began to thunder a little bit. That's new... Usually, my emotions affect the outside world, but now I have a small cloud above my head.

Bryce sighed heavily behind me, "Listen, if we don't leave now, more wights and hollows will be coming," he mumbled. "Go and see if your other friend is alright to walk," 

I watched Jake as he eyed Bryce for a couple of seconds before turning and walking towards Emma and Addison. "Em, can you walk?" said Jake as he wrapped one of his arms around Emma's waist and helped her up even though she was too dazed to speak. "Alright, let's go!" Jake shouted.

Bryce grabbed my hand and led me towards the stairs once again, but this time, he saw something out in the open and almost immediately grabbed my shoulders and forcefully made me duck down on the floor. "Hey!-"


"What? What is it?" I whispered and looked up at him.

"Go back down," he said, still staring off into the distance.

I slowly crawled down the stairs in hopes no one could see me until I was in the subway once again, I got up from the floor as Jake, Emma and Addison neared me. "What's going on? Why'd you come down?" Jake asked.

"Bryce saw something," I replied, and as if on cue, Bryce flew down the stairs and ran up to us. "We need to get out from the other side!" he said as he pushed us all to get ourselves walking. 

"We can't, a Hollow is blocking the other side!" Jake said as he came to a stop and looked at the place where the Hollow was standing. Then he guided everyone to the side until we met up with a wall, "Unless we can slip by him?"

Addison, who was standing still, looking down at a looming shadow, "Do you think there is a possibility that the beast will let us pass?" he said and then turn to Jake.

"Jake, talk to it again," At last, Emma finally spoke, her voice sounded woozy and vague. "Tell it to sod off," 

Silence came for a few moments before Jake's voice intervened, "I don't know how,"

"Try, just try!" said Bryce.

Jake looked up at the Hollow with determination and spoke out, "Go away! . . . Get out of here! . . . Leave us alone!" There was a moment of silence and Jake stared off into the distance. 

"Is he gone?" Addison asked.

"Still there," Jake said. "I don't know what's wrong,"

"Never mind," Emma said. "Hollows aren't meant to be reasoned with, anyway." She stuck out a hand and tried to light a flame, but it fizzled. The effort seemed to sap her. . . Wait a minute . . . Did she just? . . . Emma and fire? . . . How could this be?

"Save your strength, matchstick," said Addison. "I'm sure we'll need it."

"If I can't get my peculiarity to work, I will beat the blasted thing with my hands!" said Emma. "All that matters is we find the others before it's too late."

The others. 

I could see them still, their afterimage from the blast, fading by the tracks: Horace, Bronwyn, Enoch, Hugh, Olive and the others were on the floor of the train carriage, semi-conscious, Yet shoved onto the train at gunpoint, and like that, they're gone. Gone with the ymbryne we'd nearly killed ourselves to find, hurtling now through London's guts toward a fate worse than death. It's already too late, I thought. It was too late the moment Caul's soldiers stormed Miss Wren's frozen hideout. 

I swore to myself that we'd find our friends and their ymbryne, no matter the cost, even if there were only bodies to recover—even if it meant adding our own to the pile. So, then: somewhere in the flashing dark was an escape to the street. A door, a staircase, an escalator, way off against the far wall. But how to reach them?

"Get the hell out of our way!" Jake once more shouted at the hollow.

"This is starting to get hopeless," I muttered under my breath.

"Yep," Bryce agreed.

All of us heard the hollow grunt like a cow in reply. "Plan B," Jake said, turning to the group. "It won't listen to me, so we go around it, hope it stays put."

"Go around it where?" said Emma.

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