Chapter 21

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I turned around and saw someone standing on the couch in front of the fireplace, holding a book. "Caul," I confidently stated, unafraid to voice my thoughts. After all, they rely on me being alive, not dead, so there's no need for me to worry exactly.

"Ah, my dear firefly figured it out," Caul chuckled. "You see, you had me worried. Your own brother pronounced you dead the moment I asked where you were, I had to double-check the ice building you were all trapped in, I even burnt it down." 

"Okay? Congratulations, want a gold sticker?" I said sarcastically.

"For a long time, I did think you were really dead until I saw you at my front doorstep!" He smiled. "I dispatched those two men to tail your crew right after the executioners whisked you off, and we managed to sneak in a mere 5 minutes back," Caul continued to speak without glancing at me, his attention fully focused on the book he was flipping through.


"Gallow riggers, hangmen, whatever you want to go by," He closed the book with a snap, tossed it away and began to approach me at a leisurely pace. "Any questions?" he said.

"I know why you're here, and I know why you need me, but just so you know, I will never help you!" I snarled. "Meaning, I'm not afraid of your armed men," I said I confidently smacked the wight's gun on my right side with my hand, showing them that their little guns didn't scare me at all. "I know you need me alive, cause without me you wouldn't be able to reach where you dreamt of going,"

"You seem like you already know the story, I'm assuming my blithering brother told you everything about it," While he was speaking, my attention was drawn to a corner of the floorboard where I noticed a black cloak in motion. Instantly, I recognized Sharon's presence. Trying not to give anything away, I discreetly shifted my gaze past Caul and focused on the flickering flames in the fireplace.

"But anyway, you wouldn't mind if we are on our way then!" said Caul as he turned and walked towards the window.

"You're funny to think I'd go anywhere with you," I said.

"I knew you would say that, in fact, my armed men are holding a sedative gun, once they pull the trigger, you'd be on the floor, unconscious," Caul grinned as he spun around and gestured to his men. Suddenly, the sound of a gunshot filled the air, plunging me into darkness.

* * *

When I regained consciousness, I found myself in a completely empty white room. A long hallway stretched out before me, and I noticed an open window at the end. Surprisingly, there were no doors, cameras, or any guards in sight... This seems too easy for me to escape through a window and I damn know for sure that Caul would not be this stupid-

As I stood there, something suddenly sprang to life behind me. My curiosity got the better of me, so I swiftly spun around to find a tiny door creaking open. Intrigued, I leaned in to catch a glimpse of what lay beyond, but in an instant, darkness engulfed me as all the lights went out. Amidst the pitch-black surroundings, the only glimmer of light emanated from the window at the far end of the hallway.

I glance back at the small door and find myself locking eyes with a pair of luminous white orbs. Whatever that creature was, we were now standing eye to eye, and I could even catch a whiff of its breath. The light behind me casts a dim glow, allowing me to make out the thing of my curiosity.

 The light behind me casts a dim glow, allowing me to make out the thing of my curiosity

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When the growling began, I instinctively took a step back from the door. The creature, however, continued to approach me slowly. Fear consumed me, leaving my mind empty and unsure of what to do. All I could do was lock eyes with the creature before me.

In the blink of an eye, the creature lunged towards me, trapping me on the ground. Fear and terror overwhelmed me, causing me to let out a piercing scream. The wild beast sank its teeth into my arm, and in agony, I desperately clutched onto its fur, desperately trying to pull it away.

The beast proved to be incredibly powerful, making it impossible to retreat. I attempted to fight back by throwing punches and kicks, but to my dismay, my efforts were in vain. As a last-ditch effort, I resorted to digging my nails forcefully into its eyes. It was a repulsive act, but I had no other choice.

As the creature emitted a pained whimper, it quickly backed away from me, granting me a brief moment to gather myself and sprint towards the open window at the far end of the hallway. The whimper soon transformed into furious snarls, leaving no doubt in my mind that it would soon give chase.

While running, I attempted to think of anything that could conjure my peculiarity to assist me, but unfortunately, nothing came out, which added to my anxiety and panic. I leapt out of the window and landed in a chilly room with dim lighting. I clutched my heavily bleeding shoulder, feeling the intense throbbing pain.

 I clutched my heavily bleeding shoulder, feeling the intense throbbing pain

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I glance back at the window I leapt from, only to find it closed tightly. Being by myself, I allowed myself to be vulnerable. Tears trickled down my cheeks as I embraced myself, hunching over to release my pain and frustrations with a loud scream. Despite my efforts to stir up negative energy, I couldn't feel any within me.

I gave in to my tears for a little while longer until a sound broke the silence in the room. Without delay, I stifled my sobs and froze on the spot, my senses heightened as I tried to identify the source of the noise, fearing the next threat that awaited me in this stupid room.

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