Chapter 2.

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{ Chapter edited - 5th May, 2020 }
{ Chapter edited - 5th April, 2024 }

As I looked at the branch ahead, I saw that it was elevated compared to the one I was crouching on. I leapt forward like a frog, hating how flimsy I felt as my stomach slammed into the branch, causing me to struggle to pull myself up from the temporary pain I felt.

"Sleep is not?" I muttered as I sat on the branch motionless, the impact of realization hit as if the Bird Gods from above had thrown a brick at me, hoping the brick would at least knock some sense into me. Sleep is not sleep without a bed. Okay, we're on the right track, well, at least I think I am. I hopped onto another branch that was even higher up.

"Death is not death without . . . What??" My voice trailed off into silence. I kept climbing, ascending higher and higher until I finally reached the summit of the tree, perched above the swaying leaves.

I glanced at my watch once more, and to my surprise, it read 5:59 am. Turning my gaze towards the horizon, I witnessed the sun emerging from the dense fog, casting a beautiful cascade of light rays that danced their way down to the earth, creating a magnificent spotlight. It was truly a delightful scene from afar.

 It was truly a delightful scene from afar

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Below, a deep voice rang out, grabbing my immediate attention, which . . . scared the crap out of me and caused me to lose my balance. In an instant, I found myself falling backwards, my arms and legs thrashing about, desperately trying to find a solid grip as I collided with various branches, sticks, bark and leaves.

The branches dealt me a few harsh hits while I was in the midst of my free-falling adventure, although out of nowhere, my experience abruptly ended as I was captured in the embrace of somebody's arms.

"Mr Barron?!" I said happily as I straightened up and gazed at my rescuer, I couldn't help but express my joy at the sight of him.

"How's everyone doing?" He asked as he slowly lowered me back on the solid ground. 

"Honestly, I have no idea. I don't talk to anyone, nor would I care," I shrugged.

"Rebel! What are you up to now?" Walking leisurely towards the house and the front porch, he tenderly rested his hand on my back, making me feel safe and protected or just simply guiding me back like the lost sheep I usually am.

"Well, I was watching the sunrise, it was nice," I smiled. "While it lasted," I rolled my eyes.

 If there was anyone I considered a true friend, it was Mr. Barron.  He was acquainted with Miss Raven and Miss Crow too, only because I tried to sneak out and he would catch me and bring me back home without fail. Miss Raven didn't mind Mr Barron at all, nor had she ever scolded me during my time here... Unlike a certain Ymbryne who sometimes acts like there's a magic umbrella that's been shoved up her bum and been set off, Miss Crow. 

Miss Crow had some strong opinions and views about Mr Barron, she doesn't like him one bit. If I could magically switch Ymbryne bird types to match their personality, I'd change Miss Crow to a damn Magpie in a heartbeat. 

Anyway, back to Mr Barron, he always referred to me as a rebel or sometimes champ, which seemed to be my 2 famous nicknames, depending on the situation. "So. . did you try the experiment yet? Can pigs levitate themselves without needing any wings to aid them?!" My excitement grew as I turned to him, eager to hear all the exciting details.

"No, I haven't started on it yet, but I'm researching about it first! After I plan my tests, I get some test subject like my annoying colleague or an object of some sort and then test my theory out," Mr Barron smiled gently. As we reach the doorstep, Mr Barron glances at me, seemingly questioning, 'ready to go back in?'

Nevertheless, I wasn't eager to return to the house right away. I feel unprepared. I'll come back once I've unravelled the riddle and discovered its clues that way I can still be ahead of everyone. "Hey, I-I wouldn't press the doorbell If I were you! Everyone's asleep and I'm not fond of waking up Miss Psycho," That was just a weak excuse I made, but I was truly serious because it was the truth. Everyone in the house was asleep, including both Ymbrynes.

 "Kira," He said with seriousness in his voice. "How else are we gonna get you in the house?" He placed both of his hands on my shoulders. "You need to be back inside with everyone else, where it's safe and that I at least know that you're going be okay for the day?" he tilted his head to the side.

"Well, sir scientist! I am not gonna enter the house for starters! The area we're in is safe! I have no idea why you should be overprotective," I spun around and started strolling away from the front entrance.

"Kira, come on," 

"I'm gonna be on my way, bye Mr Barron! Thanks for scaring the crap out of me though!" I skipped happily into the woods, then I switched on my imagination button! I imagined myself in The Hunger Games, playing the role of Katniss Everdeen. I wanted to look cool, at least in my imagination. I tried to perform a cartwheel as if it were the most magnificent and difficult feat imaginable, believing that I was the sole person capable of achieving it. If anyone were to see my feeble attempt, they'd think I just attempted to do my first backflip without training. Let me just say, it didn't look graceful or majestic. I hid in the bush for a moment, scanning the ground swiftly like I was a predator waiting for its prey until I spotted a sturdy stick with a slight arch, I leapt out of the bush, rolled on the floor and grabbed the stick.


Mr Barron

Peculiarity: Learning the complete history of an object by touching it

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Peculiarity: Learning the complete history of an object by touching it.

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