Chapter 24

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{ Edited - 6th Oct, 2020 }
{ Edited - 21th April, 2024 }

Miss Peregrine nodded sadly. "He let himself grow old. He didn't want to believe she was dead, and let's be honest here, neither did I," said Miss Peregrine.

"I'm so sorry hearing about your loss of your daughter," I said although I was inwardly cringing with all my might, I managed to keep a straight face.

"Yeah, sorry to hear about your daughter, and I'm also sorry for your loss," said Jake nodding, going along with it.

"Thank you," With a sudden intake of breath, she nodded in agreement. Miss Peregrine got up and quietly made her way behind me once more. "Miss Wilde, it appears that I will have to dress the wound and immobilize your arm with a sling."

"A sling- I haven't broken anything!" I grumbled.

"In order to promote the integration and healing of the rotator cuff tendon, the sling is utilized to restrict the movement of your shoulder. Mr. Portman, I kindly ask you to momentarily turn around while I arrange for Miss Wilde to remove her shirt."

"What?! No!"

"To ensure the appropriate care of your rotator cuff, it is necessary for me to apply a diagonal bandage,"

I glanced over my shoulder and noticed Jake gazing out the window. When I turned my attention back to Miss Peregrine, I began to lift my shirt up. "Fine," I grumbled quietly.

"Quickly, blood is seeping out." Miss Peregrine said. I began to experience intense pain once more when I shifted my shoulder - the numbing cream was losing its effect. When I finally pulled the shirt completely over my collarbone. Miss Peregrine kindly helped me by removing the shirt from that spot. She then placed the shirt aside, took a bandage from the first aid kit, and began wrapping it diagonally. After looping it around my shoulder, she repeated the process.

"It is imperative that the children are not exposed to Abe's tragic story, Mr. Portman," she said. "Not yet, at least. It would only upset them."

"Okay. Whatever you think," said Jake.

"All done, Miss Wilde," said Miss Peregrine as she assisted me in putting my shirt back on and then carefully placed my arm in a sling. "Well, Mr Portman, you may turn around," she said briskly, "Although, I think you've been adequately interrogated. You must have questions of your own."

"Only about a thousand."

She pulled a watch from her pocket and consulted it. "We have a period of time available before the designated supper-hour. I trust that this duration will be ample to provide you with the necessary information?" Miss Peregrine turns to me, "Miss Wilde, I regret to inform you that you will need to remain here for a while. It is not advisable for you to move back and forth within the premises while your healing wound is still in progress." said Miss Peregrine as I looked into her eyes, she narrowed them slightly as if she could see into the depths of my soul. Then, out of nowhere, she stopped abruptly and turned her head towards the door.

"Oh . . . Um . . . No, it's fine-I mean, I'm-I'm fine! Thank you for offering accommodation!" I'm feeling really scared now. What if she recognizes me? It seems like she's already suspicious of me! I'm not comfortable with how things are unfolding, and I really want to run from here.

" did not pose a question. Your stay here will be of considerable duration. . . . The bandage will be removed in approximately three to four days, but it is essential for you to wear the sling for a duration of up to six weeks. Rest assured, I will personally oversee the progress of your healing. . . . There is no need to worry excessively, as the number of weeks can be greatly diminished. . . . I will regularly monitor your stitches to determine whether they need to be removed or left in place. . . . Therefore, you will need to stay here,"

"I could always go to a hospital where I could get professional help . . . But honestly, I'm okay,"

"Miss Wilde, I understand you're having anxiety-"

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