Extras (B1)

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Story draft layout:

* Kira was little (4yr old) when she lived with her mother.
They live in a strict routine. Miss Peregrine sent her away to live with another Ymbryne.

* Kira felt a lot of mixed emotions.
Primarily feeling unloved, uncared for, unwanted and uncomfortable.

* Kira lives in Miss Raven's care for 10 yrs.
She's now 14. Spends most of her time doing activities outside.

* Kira's classmates/ward group:
Roslyn Vanyo - Gravity
Katarina Spencer - Extraction of dreams/nightmares
Brodie Ross - Seeing and talking to ghosts
Cassidy Zimmer - Disappear and reappear at will
Rea Howell - Being able to pass through solid objects (uncontrollable)
Bruce Hulick - Enhance intelligence

* Kira climbs tree. Kira fall out of tree.
Barron caught Kira and brought her back home.

* Kira goes out on her little adventure.

* Miss Crow's wards:
Ardelia Fischbach - Crafting anything that gets in her hands
Ali Dayton - Enhanced hearing
Omar Whitehorn - Artic manipulation
Bonnie Rodriguez - Shockwave manipulation
Julia Blackwell - Organ manipulation
Bianca Wilson - Hyper awareness

* Miss Raven took charge mainly of those who are either very young or has harmless peculiarities.
Miss Crow is the opposite, she looks after the older ones and those who have intense peculiarities.

* Barron follows Kira to a bolder. Barron refers Kira to her mother.
Kira gets moody. Barron runs off to work.

* Kira goes to the village. Kira visits her old time friend, the village's baker.

* Timothy Johnson - Mr Baker

* Kira paints the bakery. Kira goes to the cliffside to relax.
Kira gets found out by Bianca first and then Miss Crow.

* Miss Crow and Kira has a small argument.
Lia arrives home. Miss Raven speaks to Lia.

* Miss Crow starts a argument with Lia.
Lia leaves home. Miss Crow authorized one of her wards to chase Lia. 

* Kira jumps off a cliff. Doesn't know how to fly and doesn't know how to swim.
Miss Raven saves Kira

* Miss Raven spots a tsunami. Kira and Miss Raven tries to run home.
Miss Raven leaves Kira to warn the others

* Kira gets hit by a tsunami. Kira goes unconscious.

* Kira wakes up. Kira sees dead bodies laying around.
Ymbrynes take Kira home.

* Kira is in sick bay. Miss Crow & Raven visit Kira before leaving.

* Kira hears a commotion outside the sick bay.
Checks out commotion to see Brodie scared of a small spider.

* Kira is back in sick bay. Miss Raven gives Kira dinner.
Kira skips dinner and sleeps

* Kira runs out the house next morning.
Kira tries to transform into a bird. Kira almost jumps off a cliff again

* Miss Crow intercepts Kira. Kira gets her peculiarity.
Kira has another near death experience. Ymbrynes saves her.

* Kira goes back home. Kira locks herself in isolation room.
Kira escapes isolation room. Kira jumps off the roof 

* Miss Raven catches Kira. Kira escapes Miss Raven.
Kira gets battered and hurt from falling into a tree 

* Kira leaves the loop.
Kira hops on a boat. Florida 

* Kira lives in florida. Kira lives in a boarding school/orphanage at the age of 16. 

* Kira has a job. Kira is known as Anita Wilde and a mute.
Kira meets Jake and become close friends 

*Jake gets in trouble with Shelley. Jake is having trouble with his grandpa.
Kira takes Jake to his grandfather's 

* Kira sees the place destroyed. Kira owns a gun.
Kira & Jake look in the forest. Kira finds Abe

* Kira makes promise to Able to take Jake to the island.
 Abe dies. Jake discovers Kira.

* A hollow lurks in the forest. Jake panics. Kira speaks.
Grandpa dies. Kira's promise. Jake & Kira waits for Jake's parents

* Kira lives at Jake's house. Kira goes to therapy with Jake.
Police officers suddenly turned up to Jake's house.

* Kira and Jake reads Abe's letter.
Kira and Jake figured out it was Carinholm island

* Kira, Jake and Mr Portman goes to the airport.
The 3 goes to Carinholm

* The 3 arrives at Carinholm. Kira and Jake entered the loop.
Kira gets harmed by the villagers. Jake and Kira stumbled across Olive and Emma.

* Emma and Olive nearly kills Kira and Jake.
Kira and Jake escape and stumbles into Miss Peregrine's home

* Miss Peregrine fixes Kira's wound.
Miss Peregrine gives a thorough explanation of the peculiar world

* Jake and Kira stays for dinner and the change over.
Kira fainted. Miss Peregrine kept Kira in her room

* Kira spent the night in Miss Peregrine's room.
Kira wakes up at 5am. Miss Peregrine brought Kira painkillers

* Kira runs to the loop exit but Emma is there.
Emma leaves with Jake to go to the house, Kira follows

* Kira and Jake watch the peculiar show. Group goes to the beach.
Kira retires early. Kira sees Jake and Emma sneaking off

* Hugh brings Kira, Jake and Emma back to the house.
Miss Avocet is there. House goes in lockdown

* Kira sneaks out with others. Kira and group gets find out by Barron.
Barron reveals Kira to Miss P

* Kira and the Ymrynes gets kidnapped.
Kira endures abuse and torture (Foot and ankle got shot 2x)

* Kira gets accidentally burned by Emma.
Barron throws the birds out the lighthouse. Kira zapped Barron

* Kira gets pushed out the lighthouse. Kira goes unconscious.

* Kira wakes up. Enoch explains situation.
Kira has been healed up. Group forms a plan. Victor's funeral

* Map. Moving forward and out


Kira Peregrine Spotify vibes:




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Kira's current peculiarity chart:

Anger = Lightning.
Mad = Thunder
Excited = Heatwave
Neutral/Happy = Clear day
Anxiety/scared = Fog
Anxious = Mist
Dread = Cold weather
Sad = rain
Depressed = Snow


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