Chapter 5

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{ Edited - 6th August, 2021 }
{ Edited - 4th May, 2024 }

"Aye lads, there's no need to worry, it's just a syndrigasti," he said as the gentlemen nearby gradually appeared to unwind, retreating to their carriages for a quick break.

I glanced at him with bewilderment, wondering how he was familiar with that word. The only time I had heard someone speak that peculiar language was when I attended Miss Raven's language class. "You aren't the only one with an unusual talent here,"

I fixed my gaze upon this man, studying him intently in an effort to understand his true intentions. Yet, instead of finding clarity, I found myself entangled in a web of additional questions, leaving me even more bewildered. "Apologies if I failed to properly introduce myself," said the Gypsy leader. "My name is Bekhir Bekhmanatov. And you are our honoured guests." He bowed deeply. "Why didn't you tell us you were syndrigasti?"

"I've been caught by a wight once and that happened not long ago, but seeing you come after me like that, who wouldn't assume you were a wight?" I told him as I shook the negative energy out of my hand and dusted myself.

"My apologise, Miss . . ." Bekhir trails off.

As I glanced up at him, I noticed a curious expression on his face. It seemed like he wanted to learn my name as if he believed I would become someone extraordinary in the future. Perhaps he wanted to proudly say that he had met me when I was young.

However, I hesitated to reveal my name to him, fearing that it might attract the attention of a group of peculiar individuals or disguised wights who might be searching for me.

I gave Bekhir a smile, "Anita Wilde," Yup, we're back at this now. I'm no longer Kira Peregrine, I'm Anita Wilde... for now.

"Say, Miss Anita, where are you headed off to?" He asked.

"Nowhere, in particular, just trying to get away from the wights I suppose," I shrugged.

"You could stick with us, you know, Gypsies like us are known for taking care and protecting lost peculiars such as yourself, get in contact with a Ymbryne and off you go from there," he said.

"I would like that very much," I smiled.

"Alrighty, then that's where we are headed," he smiled and gestured towards the first carriage, "My wife and son are in here, they'll take care of you,"

As he swung open the door, we ascended the steps and slipped into a snug yet inviting area that seemed to serve as a combination living room, bedroom, and kitchen. A bed sat beneath a slender window, a table and chair were nearby, and a small stove released smoke through a chimney in the ceiling - all the essentials for travelling self-sufficiently for extended periods.

Bekhir kindly introduced me to his wife, Kezia, and their adorable son, Radi, before stepping out to conduct crew checks and ensure everything was going smoothly before our departure. As I stood there, Kezia gave me a warm smile and gestured for me to take a seat and relax. She grabbed a cloth and gently wiped away the dirt from my cheek, right arm, and leg, showing her caring nature.

"Alright! We're moving out!" One of the men belted out from outside.

"It's going to be a bumpy ride," Kezia said as she tossed the fabric into the sink and gripped the edge of a sturdy table that had been securely fastened to the floor. Radi stretched out on the bed, ensuring he wouldn't feel any jolts as the carriage moved ahead. Reacting swiftly, I leapt onto the couch just before the carriage jerked forward and began to rattle slightly on the uneven dirt road.

"Your dress is no good for wear," Kezia said.

As I glanced downwards, I noticed that the white dress gifted to me by Miss Peregrine had become worn-out, dirty, and slightly torn at the hem. It served as a poignant reminder of the time when she cared for me without knowing our true connection and the depth of our bond.

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