Chapter 22

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{Video is mine}

{ Edited - 21st Oct, 2021 }
{ Edited - 9th May, 2024 }

After a long journey, I finally arrived at the icy steps that led to a wooden trapdoor. With caution, I ascended the frozen steps and opened the latch on the doors. Closing them behind me, I covered the trapdoor with the snow I had just pushed aside. As I stood upright, I couldn't help but shiver in the freezing cold. Hugging myself tightly, I quickly scanned my surroundings, contemplating where to seek shelter or hide for the time being.

But where?? Where is safe??

Out of nowhere, I felt a strong grip on me and my mouth was covered. My first thought was to resist - I couldn't let myself be taken away. I struggled fiercely as I was pulled into a shadowy alley, right next to the icy building. "Relax, it's me, Bryce!" with that being said, I've calmed down instantly and Bryce removed his hand from my mouth. "What were you doing out in the open?!" He hissed.

"I don't know?! I just woke up and Timone threw me out as he was saying that the bird we brought in wasn't Miss Peregrine,"

"I know, the bird-"

"YOU KNEW-" Bryce covered my mouth again with his hand.

"SHH! You brought in our uncle," said Bryce. "Listen, we need to get you out of here! It's not safe, there are wights in about every corner of this place!" He suddenly took my hand and guided me through a labyrinth of narrow streets. "You need to hide, I'll try and find a loop for you-"

"Why didn't you say-" I let go of Bryce's hand and stopped myself from running with Bryce.

"Addison, you here?" Bryce whispered, completely disregarding my presence, as his sole focus was on finding a way to get me out of this place.

Suddenly, a stack of boxes leaning against a building toppled over, causing a boxer dog to emerge from his hiding spot. "Right here, boyo,"

Bryce's walkie talkie suddenly crackled out of nowhere. "B-man, the commander wants you and your troop to cover the top side of the building, over,"


"Yeah, that's my code name," Bryce grabbed his walkie-talkie and spoke into it, "Roger, over," He looked at me with such sorrow in his eyes. "Please, stay here, I'll come and get you once this is all over . . . Addison, look after her,"

As he swiftly disappears, I find myself standing alone in the freezing cold, accompanied only by a talking dog. The realization that the army of wights is encircling the very building where my dear friends are currently located ignites a burning determination within me. Considering all they have done and the hardships they have endured, this cannot be the end. I refuse to let it conclude on a negative note! I cannot simply remain idle here; I must take action and assist them.

"Look who we have here," I heard a voice and when I looked back, I saw a group of about 5-6 men all dressed alike. It was clear they were a group of wights.

"Run!" Running through the winding alleyway, I made sure to navigate through several twists and turns. But when I reached a dead-end, it dawned on me that if I were to turn back at this very moment, I would unintentionally collide with the wights.

I searched desperately for any possible escape route, whether it was a door to open or a window to break. My choices were few, and I started to lose all hope until I spotted a pipe that extended towards the gutters. Without wasting a second, I hurried towards the pipe and began climbing up. Just as I reached the top, the wights were almost upon me.

"There she is!"

"Get her!"

I wanted to rely on my peculiarity to protect myself now, but I'm just too worn out - my hands hurt, and my mind is drained. I had no extra energy left. After a frantic rush, I made it to the roof of the building. I hurriedly searched for a safe way down from the rooftops but found nothing. I'm trapped.

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