Chapter 37

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{ Edited - 30th April, 2024 }

"Miss Peregrine, what a pleasure to meet you, at last! May we come in?" asked Barron. Miss Peregrine continuously gave me a disapproving look, even though she herself was genuinely concerned for my safety. In an attempt to free myself from Barron's grip, I intentionally stomped on his shoe, but unfortunately, it didn't have the desired effect. Instead, he retaliated by forcefully striking the back of my head with the butt of his gun again.

Miss Peregrine graciously stepped aside, giving Barron and me the opportunity to enter the house. However, I resisted, using the strength of my legs to prevent us from going inside. Eventually, Barron exerted a tremendous force and swung me into the house. "Well, child, who's gonna say it?" Barron asked me.

"Go to hell, Barron," I snapped as I spat at his face.

"Of course, that's all you're gonna say," He said as he used the edge of his sleeves to gently wipe his face.

"Peregrine, don't listen to a word he's about to say, he's gonna try and torment you!" I yelled as I continued to squirm with all my might.

"Miss Peregrine, the woman who lived all of her years in a constant heartbreak-"

"Shut up Barron! Leave her alone!" I said as I firmly nudged him aside by forcefully bumping into him with my body.

"Where she had to send her children away to only have one meet up with their so-called deaths, so as the story goes," Barron talked over me. "Well, one of them did as you guys thought, but here I am, informing you that your beloved daughter, isn't quite dead," he smiled.

"Mr Barron, to put this out straight, my daughter is long gone," said Miss Peregrine.

"What if I told you she isn't," said Barron.

"Barron, stop!" I yelled.

"What if I said she was still alive," Barron continued

"We are not here to discuss a dead child of mine!" Miss Peregrine snapped and raised her voice.

"What if I told you I know where she is," said Barron.

"Mr Barron, enough is enough!" Miss Peregrine snapped again.

"What if I told you-" I slammed my head against his with such force that Barron stumbled backwards.

"Miss Wilde, that's enough!" said Miss Peregrine.

"No, what he's about to say next is going to destroy you!" I barked back.

"And how would you know!"

Well, I just dug myself a hole.... Barron and I locked eyes for a brief moment. He flashed a smile, but I couldn't hide my angry expression.

"I know because you're sensitive with this topic and he's gonna lay it all out on you," I said.

"Well then, Mr Barron, spill it out then!" said Miss Peregrine.

"No!" I snapped.

"See, she wants to know, and she will get to know the real you!" said Barron.

"No, she won't because you're gonna lie!" I snapped.

"My oh my, ever so defensive about your identity! You must be hiding something!" Barron teased.

"I'm not!" I said.

"You, my friend, were running away from peculiar situations all your life, including your loop and your Ymbrynes . . . Miss Raven and Miss Crow," Barron positioned me in front of him, placing his hands gently on my shoulders. "Miss Peregrine, may I present to you, your daughter, Kira Peregrine!" Considering what was just said, I experienced a loss of strength in this battle.

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