Chapter 2

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{ Edited - 29th July, 2021 }
{ Edited - 2nd May, 2024 }

The island disappeared beneath a mysterious fog, causing us to pause our rowing and observe as it slowly dissipated. I couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy considering everything that had transpired. Who wouldn't be on edge, ready to react in any way necessary? The unknown lurking beneath the water's surface left us vulnerable.

"Say goodbye to our island," Olive stood up gracefully, taking off her oversized hat and cradling it gently against her chest. "We may never see it again."

"Farewell, island," said Hugh. "You were so good to us."

Horace set his oar down and waved. "Goodbye, house. I shall miss all your rooms and gardens, but most of all I shall miss my bed."

"So long, loop," Emma said. "Thank you for keeping us safe all these years."

"Good years," said Bronwyn. "The best I've known."

I also bid a silent farewell to a location that had profoundly transformed me, both physically and emotionally. The place that opened the doors to my memories will always hold the enigma and the recollection of my past.

Seeing Cairnholm vanish was like witnessing the last untold stories of that enigma vanish into the deep sea. Suddenly, the island disappeared, engulfed by a thick blanket of fog. It was as if it had never been there at all.

The fog swiftly caught up with us, enveloping everything in its misty embrace. As it descended upon us, a sense of blindness and disorientation washed over everyone. The once vibrant mainland grew dimmer, and the sun faded into a pale white glow.

We found ourselves spinning in circles amidst the swirling tide, completely losing our sense of direction. Eventually, we decided to halt our progress, placing the oars down and waiting in the eerie silence. We hoped that the fog would dissipate soon, realizing that there was no point in continuing until it did.

"I don't like this," Bronwyn said. "If we wait too long it'll be night, and we'll have worse things to reckon with than bad weather."

"Kira?" said Jake. "You can, I don't know . . . Maybe fix this?"

Yep. Ever since my true identity was exposed, Jake has been openly using my real name in front of everyone. There's really no need to keep it a secret anymore.

"Yeah, Kira. Fix up one of your messes please," Enoch grumbled.

Right when I was about to respond, I was abruptly interrupted by a sudden clap of thunder. And then, as if the weather was eavesdropping on Bronwyn and wanted to show us who's boss, it took a turn for the worse. A powerful gust of wind swept through, and in an instant, our surroundings were completely altered.

"Oh what the hell, Kira!" Enoch snapped. "I said fix your problems, not make more!"

"Enoch. Shut up. I'm not doing any of this, you twit!" I snapped back.

The ocean surrounding us churned into frothy waves crashing against our vessels, splashing icy water over our feet. Then the rain poured down, followed by thunder. Before long, we were tossed around like rubber ducks in a bathtub.

"Turn into the waves!" Bronwyn shouted, slicing at the water with her oars. "If they broadside us we'll flip for sure!" We were all exhausted to row in peaceful waters, not to mention a turbulent sea. Some were too frightened to even touch the oars, opting to cling to the sides of the boat for safety instead.

We were faced with a towering wall of water rushing towards us. As we ascended the colossal wave, our boats tilted almost perpendicular. I gripped the oarlock firmly, but my heart sank as I watched Claire, who unfortunately wasn't holding on securely enough, and saw the little girl being thrown overboard and disappearing beneath the waves.

"CLAIRE!" I yelled as I felt a sudden rush of fear in my heart when the idea of her drowning crossed my mind. Without hesitation, I dove into the icy depths of the sea after her. It was eerily quiet down there, but the underwater current was still strong, ready to tug and push.

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