Chapter 16

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{ Edited - 24th Sep, 2021 }
{ Edited - 9th May 2024 }

After catching Bekhir's gaze, I motioned for him to stay silent. However, my attention was quickly diverted by a buzzing bee near my ear. To my surprise, more bees joined in, forming an exclamation mark.

Confused, I glanced back at Hugh, who remained well concealed beneath the grass. I couldn't help but wonder why the bees chose an exclamation mark instead of a question mark. I shifted my gaze between Bekhir and the spot where Hugh was hiding. As the bees flew away, I returned my focus to observing through the barred window.

As the soldier's hands wrapped around Olive's waist, the cold touch of another person's rifle pressed against her forehead. It was as if she was defying the weapon, challenging it to shoot. But then, something extraordinary happened. I caught a glimpse of her hands behind her back, and to my astonishment, I witnessed white-hot flames dancing along each of her fingers.

Here we go—Then CRACK!—I heard a loud and sudden gunshot nearby. Instinctively, I crouched down and swiftly turned around. Peeking around the corner, I saw Bryce holding a gun in each hand, already pointing at the wight. It was Bryce who had fired the shot.

"What was that?" said Mr White and everything had fallen silent.

Bryce swiftly crouched and made his way towards my hiding spot. I could hear footsteps approaching the window, not the one I was concealed under, but the one beside the door. The soldier Bryce had taken down was now standing amidst the wildflowers, his back facing us as he aimed his rifle at the field. Suddenly, a window flung open.

"What the hell are you shooting at?" Mr White shouted. "Why are you still here? Go check on Tim and Philip already!"

Did you shoot him?? I mouthed to Bryce.

Bryce gave a nod before turning his gaze back to the wight, feeling a sense of bewilderment. However, he remained prepared with his gun, ready to defend himself if the wight made any sudden moves. The soldier stood still, not uttering a word. The field buzzed with the sound of insects, momentarily engulfing us in their symphony.

"Corporal Brown!" bellowed Mr White.

The man gradually turned around, struggling to maintain his balance. His grip on the rifle loosened, causing it to slip from his hands and disappear into the dense grass. With unsteady steps, he stumbled towards me and Bryce, weakly pointing in our direction.

I witnessed hands extending out of the window, holding a gun pointed at the soldier. "Say something, damn you!"

The wight attempted to speak, but instead of his voice, a strange droning noise emerged from his stomach, resembling the buzzing of bees in the surrounding fields. Gradually, bees started to emerge from his mouth, followed by a mysterious force that seemed to control his movements.

It was a sight to behold when I spotted Hugh, perfectly concealed in his hiding spot, completely focused on the wight. I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Suddenly, the wight's mouth opened wide, and an overwhelming swarm of bees emerged, forming a solid mass. It was like a never-ending hose of buzzing insects pouring out from its throat. In the distance, the wight being succumbed to the onslaught of stinging insects, collapsing into a cloud of buzzing chaos. As he fell, another figure was unveiled behind him.

It was Hugh. Standing proud and tall. "You brave soul," I muttered and smiled to myself.

Hugh stood there, unwavering, his gaze fixed on the window. A swirling mass of insects encircled him, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. The fields were teeming with honeybees, hornets, wasps, and other unidentified stinging creatures, all seemingly under his control.

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