Chapter 3

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{ Edited - 29th July, 2021 }
{ Edited - 3rd May, 2024 }

"So far, some of us are okay, but we ain't out of danger yet, we still got to reach shore before nightfall, or our troubles have only just begun!" Jake said. After the storm lost some of its strength, the turbulent waves of the sea calmed down, causing everyone to feel a tad queasy.

"We'll rest awhile - We'll rest and bail out the boats until the fog clears," Olive said, trying to sound encouraging.

"Fog like this has a mind of its own, It can go days without breaking. It'll be dark in a few hours, and then we'll have to hope we can last until morning without the wights finding us. We'll be utterly defenceless!" Said Enoch giving me his disapproving eye.

"Keep giving me that look and you'll find out what happens," I warned him. Enoch was just about to respond, but Hugh abruptly interrupted him.

"And without water-" said Hugh.

"It's all around us, we just need to filter it," I pointed out.

"But we don't have food," added Millard.

"Can't Fiona grow some?" I cross my arms.

"With what form of dirt, Einstein?" Enoch grumbled.

"I know where it is," said Emma butting between me and Enoch with her words.

"Where what is?" Asked Olive.

"Land. I saw it when I was up at the end of that rope " She replied.

"A fat lot of good that does, we've circled and capsized back on ourselves a half-dozen times since you were dangling up there," Grumbled Enoch.

It's official - Enoch is the main reason for my frustration, but I tried to keep it under control. Unfortunately, the suppressed irritation led to a sudden thunderstorm that surprised everyone, Enoch included. He gave me a look that seemed to suggest he knew I was somehow involved this time.

"Sorry, I slipped," I grumbled as I glared at him back.

"Then let me up again," said Emma.

"Are you certain? It's dangerous. What if the wind catches you, or the rope snaps?" Olive placed her rubber-gloved hands on Emma's shoulders.

"Reel me up," Emma repeated, looking up at the sky and avoiding Olive's eyes.

Jake approached me, clasped my arm, and drew me near to him. He leaned in and spoke with a resolute tone into my ear. Seems like I'm in everyone's bad books.

"Whatever you do, manage yourself, because if you don't, you will kill Emma up there. . . I'll deal with Enoch," I moved back and glanced at Jake, who appeared defensive and concerned. I was unsure of my emotions at that moment. I sat back down, trying to remain neutral.

"Fetch the rope, Bronwyn" Emma ordered.

After Bronwyn hauled the anchor from the water and onto our boat, we used the additional length of rope to secure our two remaining boats together, ensuring we wouldn't drift apart again. Then, we carefully lifted Emma through the misty fog and into the sky. For a brief moment, we all stood in silence, gazing at the rope disappearing into the clouds, our heads tilted back, anticipating a heavenly signal.

Enoch broke the silence. "Well?" he called, impatiently.

"I can see it," Emma's response came through, her voice barely audible above the sound of crashing waves. "Straight ahead!" she called out again.

"Good enough for me," Bronwyn said. As we all doubled over in pain and sank into our chairs, Bronwyn grabbed the oars and started rowing, following Emma's faint voice like a guardian angel above.

"Left. . . . more left. . . not that much!"

As we sailed towards land, the persistent fog followed us closely, its eerie tendrils resembling ghostly fingers, constantly attempting to pull us back. It seemed as though the island itself didn't want to release its grip on us.

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