Chapter 9.

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{ Edited - 23rd June, 2020 }
{ Edited - 10th April, 2024 }

I ran my hands over my face, feeling the stress building up inside me. I reassured myself that none of this was my fault. Suddenly, a gentle knock interrupted my thoughts. Before I could respond, the door swung open. It was Miss Raven.

I suddenly felt more awake than before, so I got up from my chair and prepared to leave quickly if she had a calming agent for me. "Please, take a seat and relax," She whispered it gently. Miss Raven pulled up a chair, moved it closer to me, and took a seat. She gazed at me, waiting for me to take a seat. 

Feeling a bit puzzled by her actions, I hesitated. She glanced at the chair and then back at me. "I can understand why you might be worried, but let me assure you that chair is harmless and won't bite anyone's bottoms unless they give their consent.," She said, trying to lighten the mood.

I finally settled myself and directed my attention towards the floor. "It seems like you're being a bit more reserved than usual. . . . I understand that you may be feeling responsible, but I want to assure you that none of this is your fault. It's important to remember that sometimes things happen beyond our control."

The words she said were what I needed to hear, yet they didn't sit well with me. My hidden sadness intensified a little more. "Remember, it's not your fault. You don't have to go up into the isolation rooms. Please take care of yourself first and foremost. . . . 

I understand that you may be feeling responsible for something, but please remember not to burden yourself with it. . . . I'll be back," Miss Raven stood up from her chair, made her way to the door, and exited the sick bay, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

She returned a minute later, carrying a tray full of food which she then set down on my bed that was now vacant. "Take pleasure in your meal without any interruptions from my constant talking," I could hear the emotion in her voice as if she was about to break down and cry.

Taking a glance at the tray, I discovered a small cup of raspberry jelly and a lovely bowl containing a delectable mixture of chocolate, chopped strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and watermelon.

Miss Raven returned unexpectedly, but this time she hesitated by the door. "I'm curious if you remember when we talked about time loops in class?"

"I suppose? What about it?"

"It appears that we find ourselves in a situation where you might sometimes long for some personal space." She paused to let that information sink into my brain. "If you ever feel the need to be by yourself, there's a cave nearby that is the entrance and exit to our loop," After that, she shut the door and left the room.

We're in a time loop right now... That was the reason why the house wasn't destroyed by the tsunami - because of the Ymbrynes, thank god for them birds! After placing the tray of food on the chair where Miss Raven was sitting on. I limped across the room to turn off the light switch, causing the room to become pitch black. Slowly, I made my way to my bed, only to clumsily knock my knees against the edge before plopping down and wrapping myself up in my blanket for warmth.

A new day is coming tomorrow, I have to wake up early, and I won't be going to the village this time, but I'll definitely going to be doing something a dumb.

* * *

The sound of birds chirping greeted me as I opened my eyes. I extended my arm to glance at the clock, revealing that it was 5:45 am. Nothing new about that really.

I gradually rose from my bed and evaluated the discomfort I was experiencing today before finally getting up and heading towards the pile of clothes. I chose a black singlet and denim blue shorts. I strolled up to the door and swung it open, peeking my head out to the left where the front door was already glowing a dark pink hue. As the sky outside began to brighten, I turned my gaze to the right and saw the hallway disappearing into complete darkness. Creepy

I quickly tip-toed to the front door, swiftly opened it to avoid any creaking sounds, and closed it quietly behind me. I kept running even after shutting the door. I sprinted towards the closest cave I could think of, the one with a dead-end. Perhaps today is the day I finally master the transformation and take flight.

I stumbled upon a cave that led to a dead end, and to my surprise, there was a thick fog trapped inside. However, as soon as I reached the dead end, I quickly turned around and hurried back. The atmosphere suddenly shifted, and the temperature dropped drastically, the cold was much more biting than it had been previously.

As I made my way towards what appeared to be an enormous mountain, I began climbing the steep hill, determined to reach the summit.

 "Okay, Kira! Time to find your moves," I murmured to myself while I started to shake my hands in order to calm my nerves. I attempted to stay calm, taking deep breaths in and out. I reassured myself, believing that I could handle it, over and over again.

I excitedly leapt into the air and twirled around in one place, rehearsing the moves I planned to execute before my performance. However, to my disappointment, nothing transpired. "Maybe it's Miss Crow's trick?" I whispered as I cautiously made my way to the edge of the cliff and peeked down. "Oh boy, I must be insane as Barron? But, I'll never know if I don't try," 

As I paced back and forth, I mustered up my courage and began to motivate myself. Inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, I reminded myself that this was my one chance. If I stumble, there won't be anyone to rescue me this time.

Just as I was about to dash towards the edge of the cliff, someone's arms swiftly enveloped me with a firm and sturdy grip, forcefully yanking me back. It somewhat sent pain through me. "Hey! What the-"I exclaimed as I started to struggle as vigorously as possible. However, when I started to tire, I tried to wriggle free from the unexpected hold pulling me back from the edge.

I had this genuine belief that I was about to be abducted or something, and my instinct was to scream for help and attract someone's attention in order to get assistance. However, the moment this person opened up their mouth, I instantly realized that I was about to find myself in a whole world of trouble.

"Have you lost your mind, for heaven's sake?!" Miss Crow snapped. God, how I wish to be kidnapped right about now. "I explicitly mentioned the importance of not departing from the house earlier than permitted and without prior notice!"

"It appears that you're contemplating the possibility of becoming a bird. So, that's what's happening?" I recognized the voice immediately, it was someone I knew well, apart from Miss Crow's.

I mustered all my strength and pushed ahead, landing on the grass with a thud. Rolling onto my back, I tried to catch a glimpse of the person. "Miss Raven?!?!" I said. Suddenly, a person appears from behind Miss Raven. "Miss Crow?!!"

"I would appreciate it if you could share with me what you are currently engaged in!" Miss Crow crossed her arms. "I am in search of answers that are completely unrelated to your customary sassy behaviour towards me!"

"What do you think I was doing?! I'm trying to learn how to swim," I lied.

"Taking the leap off a cliff? At this particular time in the morning?" Miss Raven raised her eyebrow, yet she spoke in her usual calm and gentle tone. You know, I've never witnessed a moment when Miss Raven raised her voice at ANYONE. It appears that she doesn't possess the kind of courage to do so.

"Yes? What's wrong with that? Everyone has their peculiarities but me!" I said, which was true.

"Rest assured, my child, the day will come when all will be well. . . . But . . . Have you ever contemplated the possibilities of what you could become??" Miss Crow asked.

"What's it to you!"  I exclaimed as I began to rise from the ground. The sunrise disappeared abruptly behind some clouds. Strangely, the weather had started to irritate me more than usual.

"It seems like there may be some information that hasn't been shared with us. I sense that there might be a disconnect in our relationship," Miss Raven glanced at me, then shifted her gaze to Miss Crow, and then back to me again.

"I share the same sentiment," Miss Crow remarked, her eyes fixed unwaveringly on mine. "Miss Kira, do you have anything you would like to share?" She asked.

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