Chapter 5

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(Pic is mine, find more on my Pinterest Peculiar_Feather)

Upon awakening, I was met with an unfamiliar and disconcerting sensation. My sight was hazy, making it difficult to perceive anything clearly. Despite my attempts to clear my vision by rubbing my eyes, the blurriness persisted. Eventually, my vision sharpened, revealing my surroundings engulfed in pitch-black darkness. There was not a glimmer of light visible in any direction, leaving me isolated in this black room.

Struggling to move, I found my body unresponsive and heavy, making it impossible to rise. My voice echoed into the darkness, but no one answered my call. A sense of fear crept over me as I acknowledged my lack of knowledge regarding my location and the means of escape.

Striving to regain control over my emotions, I consciously tried to pacify myself and engage in rational thinking. I began taking slow, deep breaths, redirecting my attention to the immediate environment. It was during this process that I became acutely aware of the complete absence of sound - an eerie silence pervaded the air. I cautiously explored the room, reaching out to feel my surroundings, only to discover a disconcerting void devoid of walls, doors, or windows.

Trapped within an endless abyss of darkness, I was on the brink of losing all hope. Suddenly, a faint light appeared in the distance, providing a ray of hope in the darkness.

After some time, I found myself bathed in a blinding light. My eyes slowly adapted to the brightness, revealing that I was gazing up at the ceiling. I glanced around, taking note of the white wooden bars on each side of me, numerous fluffy pillows, a couple of plushies scattered about, and a dishevelled blanket.

Despite my efforts to move, I could only succeed in rolling onto my stomach. I surveyed my surroundings once again, attempting to ascertain my whereabouts, only to discover that I was currently confined within a crib. The sound of footsteps grew nearer, the distinct click of heels resonating against the polished marble floor. Lifting my gaze, I found my mother standing in front of me. . . She was much taller and younger. . . What in the actual fuck is going on??

I attempted to communicate, but my words transformed into a gurgle or a babble, resembling that of a baby... I glanced up at my mother, observing her smiling down at me. "Hello, my darling girl," she whispered as she leaned over the crib to lift me up and embrace me tightly against her chest. Peering past her shoulder, I surveyed our surroundings to identify the location... It was the house in Carinholm when it was brand new... could this be a flashback? Because that would certainly explain a lot at this moment.

The world around me plunged into darkness, and I found myself back in the abyss, if only for a fleeting moment before a new light emerged. I patiently allowed my eyes to adapt to the luminosity, and soon realized that I had been transported to my mother's office. Sensing a gentle tug on my sleeve, I turned my head to discover my mother standing beside me, meticulously rolling up my sleeve until it reached my collarbone, exposing the deep wound on my shoulder.

I grimaced in discomfort while she used the alcohol wipes, the burning feeling causing me to twitch occasionally. Despite the pain, I appreciated Miss Peregrine's delicate touch. She consistently displayed patience and kindness, at least to those not related by blood. Glancing around, I noticed Jake's presence, and it dawned on me that this encounter had already happened and I actually remember it. Miss Peregrine tended to my injury, and both she and Jake recognized me as Anita Wilde, with Jake sharing stories about his grandfather as I received stitches.

Once more, my sight dimmed and a new light broke through the darkness, yet this time my vision was hazy, my ears were buzzing, and my senses felt dulled. Which memory does this flashback belong to? I sensed my body trembling, and a voice calling out my name, "Kira! Kira! Come back to us! Kira! Kira you cow, wake up!" Gradually, my vision sharpened and my senses came back to me, thank goodness. As my vision cleared, I noticed my brother kneeling over me.

"Bryce?" My voice croaked. 

"Kira, oh my god!" Bryce assisted me in getting up, and I took a deep breath. While he helped me sit up, I surveyed the area around me and realized that we were not inside the underground train station or any enclosed space. Surprisingly, I found ourselves outdoors, seated on the dry grass that rustled beneath us, surrounded by the barren wilderness.

My memory was hazy, only recalling the bright light and excruciating pain when the wights captured me. But now, looking around at our surroundings, the sky above us was a sickly green, the trees and bushes were withered and lifeless, and the air was heavy with an eerie stillness. It was as if we had been transported to another world, a world that was dying. 

"Am I awake?" I questioned while swiftly reaching out to make contact with Bryce's face, aiming to determine if I was still lucid or not. "Where are we?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, you're awake," He took my hand from his face and held it gently. "You're here, this is real," Bryce assured me. 

"Where are we?" I asked again.

"Devil's Acre," he uttered like he didn't wasn't proud to be here.


"Miss Kira!" A voice exclaimed cheerfully. I turned towards the source of the voice and spotted Addison leaping over the bush, with Emma and Jake trailing behind, looking slightly winded from chasing after him.

"Oh boy.." I huffed. Without a word being uttered, the sound of gunshots reverberated in the distance. The shots were deliberate and controlled. All eyes shifted towards the road nearby. A swirling cloud of ash emerged, signalling the approach of a large, boxy object. Can there please be a day or even an HOUR that is gun-free? I groaned.

"Ah shit, I gotta go! Jake, take care of her," With a firm grip on my underarms, Bryce hoisted me up and awkwardly handed me over to Jake, who nearly lost his grip. Startled, Jake stumbled backwards but managed to catch me before I hit the ground. Regaining my composure, I swiftly regained my footing and turned around to find Bryce gradually vanishing into the distance.

The whirlwind of activities occurring in our surroundings instilled a sense of frustration and being overwhelmed within me. I had just regained consciousness, with my last memory being at the underground station, and now I find myself in a location known as Devil's Acre. I reunite with the group, but Bryce hastily departs.

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