Chapter 4

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Emma gestured towards the ground, and we knelt down silently, praying that they wouldn't notice us - hoping that they were simply regular people waiting for a train. However, my heart sank when I heard the sound of a walkie-talkie, and they suddenly switched on their flashlights, the beams illuminating their shiny reflective jackets.

It was uncertain whether they were emergency responders or wights in disguise. I only became certain when they simultaneously removed their wraparound sunglasses. Of course, why do I actually bother with hope at this point.

Half of our alternatives had been eliminated. Now, all that was left were the tracks and the tunnels. Even though we were injured and unable to outrun them, there was still a possibility of getting away if they didn't notice us - and up to that point, amidst the confusion of the wrecked station, they hadn't.

The beams of their searchlights clashed, illuminating the floor. Our group proceeded towards the tracks. Hoping to go unnoticed, we contemplated sneaking into the tunnels. As I glanced back to ensure no one saw us, I immediately spotted an issue - Addison, frustratingly enough, remained motionless.

"Come on," I hissed.

Immediately, the rays of light sprang up from the ground and swiftly surged towards our direction. At this moment, I have never wanted to hit my head with a brick so hard right now! Ughhh!

"Stay where you are!" A loud voice erupted from one of the men as he swiftly pulled out his gun, while the other hand struggled to find his walkie-talkie.

Unexpectedly, a chain of events transpired swiftly. Just as I was about to drop the folding man onto the tracks and join him with the group, a thunderous horn sounded from the tunnel and a single brilliant headlight came into view, making me instantly change my mind. The rush of stale wind belonged, of course, to a train—running again, somehow, despite the blast. . . Are you absolutely fucking KIDDING ME!!

I swiftly passed the Russian man to Jake and quickly made my way towards Addison, that damned dog, which caused a barrage of bullets to be unleashed from firearms. Upon securing Addison with my arms, I quickly took cover behind a pillar, embracing the dog tightly against my chest to ensure his safety, resulting in a temporary hault of gunfire.

We were trapped. 

Running towards the stairs would result in us being shot, and jumping onto the tracks would lead to being crushed by the train. Moreover, seeking refuge on the train is not an option as it would take a minimum of 10 seconds for it to come to a halt, followed by 12 seconds for the doors to open, and another 10 seconds for them to close again. By that time, we would have succumbed to two fatal outcomes.

I glanced at Jake, noticing the same sense of despair mirrored in his expression. In response, I resorted to my usual talent - being scared shitless. Gradually, a faint mist started to envelop the station. eventually transforming into a thick blanket of fog that obstructed our visibility. Thank god for small miracles.

As I was on the verge of dashing towards Jake and Emma, a sudden barrage of gunfire erupted from all the wights present in the station, scattering bullets in every direction. "You're kidding!" I grumbled under my breath. I put Addison down on the ground, "Stay low to the ground and try to run forward,"

"And if we got shot?" Addison looks at me.

"Keep going," I told him. "Ready?" 

"No," I saw him tuck his tail between his legs.

"Tough, now go!" I pushed him forward and he began to scurry towards the others with his bottom lowered to the ground and his tail between his legs. I crawled as quickly and low as I could until I got to Jake or Emma without getting shot, but before I could do anything else, something lifted me up high off the ground. 

I struggled in silence, attempting to avoid revealing our whereabouts, yet the urge to cry out or produce noise was difficult to suppress. Despite my efforts, I couldn't locate what was restraining me. A recognizable odor caused my heart to race, signalling that the Hollow was the entity holding me captive. "JAKE!!" I yelled for him.

I was forcefully pressed against the chest of the Hollow. Jake, amidst the screeching sound of train brakes, barked at the Hollow to release me. As the Hollow gradually distanced itself from the group and drew closer to the wights, the fog thickened, obstructing my sight of Jake and the others.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Jake uttered a phrase in Hollowspeak. Although I couldn't comprehend his words, the Hollow finally released its grip on me. Swiftly, I regained my composure and hurried towards the rest of the group. Jake made sure it wouldn't grab any of us by stepping in front of me with the folding man in his arms.

The mist slowly dissipated into the atmosphere, revealing our surroundings and what lay ahead of us. Chaos broke loose as the Hollow unleashed its wrath, causing widespread destruction. It seized a wight by the leg, tossing him around like a mere plaything. The wight fought back by firing shots that bounced off the ceiling, before being lifted into the air, kicking and screaming. 

As the train beside us abruptly stopped, its doors swung open. It became apparent to me that my friends were having difficulty processing the situation. I snatched Addison and forcefully threw him into the train carriage, sending him skidding towards the other door. After grabbing Emma and pushing her inside, I did the same to Jake as the train carriage doors started closing, I frantically pushed Jake into the small opening between the doors just before they shut completely, causing him to fall onto the floor in front of Emma.

The impact of what transpired and my actions hits the group with force.Jake jerks his head towards the door, his expression one of disbelief as he looks at me. Emma's eyes widen in shock, and she hurriedly covers her mouth with her hands before rushing to the door to try and open it. Jake promptly rises to his feet and follows suit.

I turned around to survey the scene unfolding behind me, as additional gunshots echoed, the enemy shooting aimlessly at the target. I swiftly crouched and sprinted towards a nearby wall for protection from the stray bullets. The train's whistle signalled its imminent departure, prompting me to cast a final glance at the group. The fear-stricken expressions on their faces mirrored my own. Frankly, I was also scared for myself too.

Unsure of the future, I witnessed the train pulling away from the station at a slow pace. With the train in motion, I commenced my sprint, accompanied by the encouraging words, "Keep going! We'll meet again soon! It's gonna be alright!" However, the train swiftly accelerated, surpassing my speed. "You hear me?! Keep going!" My heart skipped a beat as I sensed a multitude of footsteps closing in on me from behind.

At the sound of numerous footsteps approaching from behind, my heart momentarily halted its steady rhythm. Just as I was about to turn my head to ascertain the source, a cluster of hands abruptly seized me. With a forceful grip on my shoulder, someone forcefully thrust me down onto the floor.

Despite my desperate attempts to resist, I wriggled and thrashed, attempting to free myself. However, before I could even use my ability to help me escape, a sudden piercing sensation pricked my neck, causing my senses to gradually fade away. 

Numbness spread through my body, my ability to hear began to fade, my vision dimmed, and my breathing decelerated as I succumbed to unconsciousness.

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