Chapter 5.

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{ Edited - 26th May, 2020 }
{ Edited - 7th April, 2024 }

I began by opening the brown paint, then I picked up the paintbrush I needed. I proceeded to add some texture to the dirt path, applying painting techniques taught to me by Miss Crow. When it came to creativity, Miss Crow was truly outstanding as a Ymbryne. 

On the other hand, Miss Raven had a different style altogether. She preferred her wards to go with the flow and do whatever they pleased. But I must say, Miss Raven has a talent for sarcasm, which made her a delightfully funny Ymbryne in my opinion.

It's quite interesting to think about how two Ymbrynes, who are complete opposites, are able to coexist peacefully and harmoniously under one roof. I wonder how they do it? I use my paintbrush to apply a thick layer of paint onto the wall, creating a long squiggly line. After filling it in with brown paint and adding some texture, the dirt path is complete.

I experimented with incorporating a variety of brown tones and dots in different sizes. After completing my initial task, I proceeded to create the trees, the forest, the sky, and the clouds. I dedicated my time to perfecting every detail until it appeared incredibly lifelike.

"Hey, Mr Baker!" I yelled as I glimpsed out the window before looking back at my work, "How's this? Is it too real or too odd?"

Mr Baker shifted uncomfortably in his seat and glanced at the wall I had painted. Then, he jumped up as if he had just spotted a dinosaur. "That's MAGNIFICENT!" He said. He wore a proud smile on his lips, clearly showing his happiness. 

I took a 30-minute break, letting the paint dry before shifting the chairs and table to the left side of the room to paint the opposite wall.

"Should the other side be the village from ground view or bird's eye view?" I asked.

"Eyeview," He looked at me and nodded, silently wishing me good luck. I glanced at my watch and noticed it was already 9:12 am. My heart sank as I realized that everyone should have been awake by now, especially Miss Crow. That psychopath of a Ymbryne truly terrifies me.

"Alrighty, challenge accepted," I smirked in response to Mr Baker's 'good luck,' glance. I began painting the walls again, this time requiring additional white paint, a mixture of yellow and white, red, green, light brown, and a touch of blue. 

Finally, I'm done with my painting after dedicating an hour to it. "Ok, I'm done, Mr Baker!" Rising from my knees, I took a step back, feeling a sense of pride for what I have accomplished so far.

"This is brilliant! I love it a lot!!" Mr Baker beamed. "You continue to amaze me, child. I can't thank you enough, little miss!" Mr Baker's face showed me how pleased he was with this, you could sense it from the way he spoke too. 

Saying our goodbyes, I exited the Bakery and the village, making my way to the area with a grand cliff that offered a view of the sea.

Experiencing the warm salty sea air against my skin, and the delightful scent that accompanied it, brought about a truly enjoyable feeling

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Experiencing the warm salty sea air against my skin, and the delightful scent that accompanied it, brought about a truly enjoyable feeling. I perched myself on the edge of the cliff, letting my legs hang freely as I shut my eyes, relishing the tranquillity around me - the distant crash of waves and the cheerful chirping of seagulls. The moment I woke up, a stupid part of me was yearning to spot a peregrine falcon gliding towards me, wishing that today would be the day my mother finally arrived as she had promised. 

Each day and every morning, I find myself here, the spot where I can kill time and wait, the spot where I can be alone, a spot where I can unwind, destress and chill out. I understand it may seem sad, but I truly desire to leave this place. 

Thirty minutes later, I heard a girl desperately screaming my name and calling out to me multiple times. "KIRA!!"

I looked behind me to see it was Bianca Wilson, one of Miss Crow's wards, her peculiarity was hyper-awareness, and the birds above could only know how she managed to find me here. I spot her sprinting in the distance, heading my way. However, before I can stand up, I hear the sound of wings flapping to my left. Suddenly, I am lifted up and carried away from the edge of the cliff, far from danger. Uh oh, aren't I in trouble now...

"Whoa, hey!" I exclaimed as I glanced upwards and felt my heart sink, it was Miss Crow. I'm not just in trouble, but probably dead meat. Miss Crow placed me down on the ground and landed in between Bianca and I, right on top of a robe which I hadn't noticed before. She squawked loudly, telling the both of us to turn around and look away. Following orders, we gave her space to switch back to her human form and put on the robe she had brought along.

"Alright you too," We heard her voice, and both Bianca and I spun around to see the angry Ymbryne, glaring at us both.

"Miss Crow!? I-I-"

"That's enough, Miss Wilson," She looks at Bianca with a disapproval scowl. "I am capable of handling it from this point onward. Please make your way back to the house and inform Miss Raven that we have located her at the cliffs once more," Miss Crow grips onto my arm tightly as she spoke to her ward.

Bianca gives me a sympathetic glance, then shifts her gaze to Miss Crow, and finally dashes off into the forest. "Miss Kira, please provide an explanation for your actions. Your disappearance prompted a search party to be organized, with efforts extending to the village in search of you." Miss Crow scolded me as she softly nudged me away from the cliff.

"I WASS in the village," - K

"I am curious to know the reason behind your presence in that specific area." - M.C

"Helping Mr Baker with his bakery," - K

"Why did you decide to leave without giving any prior notice?" - M.C

"Because why do I need to!" - K

"It is imperative that Miss Raven is aware of your location at all times as she is responsible for your care." - M.C

"No, she doesn't and neither do you!" - K

"It is important for you to understand that being the daughter of a Ymbryne does not grant you the privilege to vanish without a trace. You must consider the potential consequences of your actions!!" - M.C

"I never said it does and if there were something bad that happened, I could fend for myself!" - K

"Miss Kira, how can you justify your actions without your peculiarity?" - M.C

"I don't need a peculiarity to make me feel strong and to defend myself! It's all about how you react!" - K

"Kira, I must inform you that I do not have the time to address this issue." Miss Crow sighed. "I implore you not to compel me to inform Miss Raven about the necessity of implementing some fresh guidelines. I request you to honestly reveal your actions near the cliffs following your visit to the village."

"I was waiting for my mother's return so I could leave here!" I blurted out from the heat of the moment.

There was a brief silence between us until Miss Crow broke it. "It appears unlikely that she will return to retrieve you. Who will take care of her new charges? If Miss Peregrine were to arrive in bird form, how do you plan to return to her island? Will you magically fly back? Remember, you are not an ymbryne."

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