Chapter 18.

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Author's note: Surprise surprise! This is my video edit for Miss Peregrine and her wards.
Insta: @multi_fandoms_au
Tiktok: @multi_fandoms_edits_povs

{ Edited 25th Aug, 2020 }
{ Edited 17th April 2024 }

"Wow. . ."

"But even if those securities do see me, one thing I know for sure is that they'll ask me if I'm okay to travel over to wherever I'm going, and simply, I say yes, and off we can go," I smile.

"How do you know all of this?"

"I take Legal Studies in school," A grin spread across my face as I relished in the rare moment of feeling intelligent, "But besides that, we need a plan!" I stood and Jake followed suit.

After the party ended, we decided to give it a try. I chose to stay in the room because I realized that I wouldn't be of much help if I joined him. Jake's parents only see me as a quiet girl who has been through a lot and doesn't know sign language, making it difficult for me to communicate with them.

The moment Jake took his shot, his facial expression spoke volumes, indicating that it had failed. Nevertheless, we remained undeterred and continued brainstorming new ideas.

* * *

It's incredible how circumstances have shifted, and this newfound information could really work in our favour to win the case of going to Cairnholm. Mr Portman stumbled upon a significant discovery that Cairnholm Island is a vital habitat for birds.

Our plan became simpler to convince him to take us after this. One fateful day, after Jake's session with Dr. Golan, he returned home with a beaming smile on his face, while his parents appeared as if they had just seen a ghost. . . . They were shocked.

With a simple gesture, Jake invited me into his room, and I willingly obliged. We proceeded to have a small "meeting" in his cozy space.

"Dr Golan is encouraging my parents to take us to Cairnholm!!" He squealed. "And the best part is that they brought 3 plane tickets! And we're going there in June, staying there for three weeks!"

It's a bad time to reconsider going back home. I was happy to hear the news, but I'm not sure if I can face my mother or the wards that she chose over me. I started to doubt my identity. Should I reveal myself as Kira Peregrine, or stick with pretending to be Anita Wilde?

Changing my appearance shouldn't be too difficult. I'll start by braiding my short dark brown hair into Dutch braids, and then I'll switch to some trendy modern clothing. That should do the trick. If we ever come across each other in person, just to be cautious, I'll introduce myself as Anita Wilde instead of Kira Peregrine. My mother doesn't deserve to have her daughter back.

**Months Later, June**

Jake, Mr Portman, and I swiftly organized our belongings and proceeded to pull our suitcases out of the house and load them into the car, firmly placing them in the trunk. Jake enthusiastically jumped into the car. Mrs Portman had graciously offered to drive us to the airport, but before we departed, they handed me a few books to keep, specifically books about birds.

Reading books truly transported me to another world, but this never-ending car journey to the airport felt like an eternity. Finally, we managed to arrive on time. As soon as we stepped out of the car, we quickly grabbed our suitcases. Speaking of which, in my situation, I had a lovely white bag adorned with bluebirds soaring on the side.

As we entered the airport, we queued up at the spot to drop off our bags for the security check and passed through a big rectangular area illuminated with blue lights. It was a scanner or detector.

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