Chapter 14.

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{ Edited - 28th July, 2020 }
{ Edited - 13th April, 2024 }

We heard twigs snapping close by, so we quickly turned our heads towards the source of the noise. I instinctively moved closer to Jake for safety, but then he suddenly yelled and fired several shots in one specific direction. I closed my eyes, attempting to drown out the noise of gunfire. Honestly, I was scared by the loud sounds, so I instinctively covered my ears. That's when Jake wrapped his arm around me.

"Come on! Let's get out of here!" He encouraged me to stand up and we quickly left the woods, heading towards Jake's late grandfather's front porch.

"I called my parents, by the way, they said they're on their way," Jake stated as we plopped down, sitting cross-legged on the front lawn.

"Well, before they get here, and before I head back to the orphanage. I just need to clear a few things out," I said as I avoided eye contact. "My name is Kira Peregrine, not Anita Wilde, that's just a cover-up name. I am 16. I'm not a mute, but I have my reasons to act mute. But please, Jake, no one can know about ANY of this. To you and to the world, I am just Anita Wilde, a 16-year-old mute girl, alright?" I said as I woke up and observed Jake for a moment, allowing the information to register in his mind before heading towards my car. Suddenly, Jake surprised me by grabbing my ankle.

"W-Wait, please stay!" he said quickly. "Don't leave me... Please!" He begged and gave me those famous puppy dog eyes that I easily gave in to.

As I turned to face him, he released my ankle. I struggled to interpret his expression and body language, unsure of what he wanted. After a few minutes, I decided to sit cross-legged on the grass. I sigh, "Do you understand what your grandpa was going on about?" I asked.

Jake shook his head, staring at the grass in front of him, "No... none of this makes any sense. Find the bird. Tell them what happened. Go to the island. Find the loop. 194-I don't know!"

"Next question. Are you... familiar with the peculiar world??" I asked, feeling a bit dumb for asking this.

"If you mean the planet we're on, that's peculiar enough for me, yes,"

"That's not what I..." I trailed off and sighed. He has absolutely no clue about the world he's gonna be part of... great... this makes my life so much damn harder. There is no great time like the present to get started and get accustomed to the waters he's about to endure.

.* * *

We watched the stars shimmer above our heads while I told Jake my life story. I got sent away to another carer when I was 2. Grew up without my mother for 10 years. I was 14 and already breaking every rule in the book. Got hit by a tsunami and almost died. Left my carer's home and sailed off to Florida in secret. Security saw me all battered and bruised and from that point, I decided to become a mute because I was scared they're gonna think me crazy or send me back to Germany.

"What does this have to do with 'peculiardom'?" Jake asked.

"Well... You see. My mother is what we call... An Ymbryne,"

"A what?"

As I was about to reply, I caught a glimpse of red and blue flashing lights out of the corner of my eye, accompanied by the blaring sound of a siren. I looked at Jake, "Remember, I'm Anita Wilde. I'm a mute. You never heard a single word from me!" I quickly said.

After the few cop cars, a sleek black one arrived, and as they all parked in front of the lawn, some of the police officers began investigating inside the house. Meanwhile, the rest of the officers stayed with me and Jake outside.

It wasn't unexpected to find out that some of the cops were familiar with my identity, and it didn't really faze me to witness their relentless questioning as if I would entertain their inquiries. So, I mostly shrugged in response, but Jake, on the other hand, spoke on my behalf.

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