Chapter 23 - FINISHED

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{Video is mine}

{2000 worded chapter)

{ Edited - 22nd Oct, 2021 }
{ Edited - 9th May, 2024 }

Suddenly, the burden on my shoulders lifted and the pain vanished, I turned around to find that my wings had vanished. "God, I wish I would never have to experience that again!" I said to myself. "Addison, you coming?" I asked him as I faced the door, about to leave.

"Shouldn't we wait for Bryce?"

"No, by the time he comes back, all of my friends will be goners," I said as I turned to look at him.

"You were all goners to begin with . . . the wights have been following you and your group for this entire time, even after your friends had left the animal menagerie," said Addison.

"Well, that sucks," I growled to myself.

"It also sucks that you're a runner," said a voice behind me. I turned quickly and found myself staring at a wight. The only barrier between us was the door, but I doubted the glass would stop a bullet. The wight aimed the gun at the glass, so I swiftly dodged to avoid being hit. I watched Addison rush to the backdoor, open it, and flee outside. I hurriedly followed him.




I glanced over my shoulder and noticed that they had already started shooting at the glass, aiming to create a flawless hole through which they could reach in and unlock the door. "Follow me, Lass!" Addison yelled.

I spun around and concentrated on trailing Addison. We navigated through a series of narrow alleyways until he guided us to an underground subway tunnel. There, we paused our sprint and found a hiding spot near the stairs and bathrooms. As we kept an eye on our surroundings, we discussed our next steps.

Everything was going smoothly for around an hour until we suddenly heard a man shouting. "Aye, move out of our way!" The sound of a voice echoed in the far distance from our location.

I exchanged a glance with Addison, and he mirrored the same expression I had. Turning my gaze towards the crowd, I noticed our friends with defeated expressions on their faces, and amidst them, I spotted Bryce. "How do I get his attention?" I mumbled.

"Now is not the time!" said Addison.

Bryce must have heard Addison's voice because he began scanning the area for Addison, and it didn't take long for him to find us. He approached a wight, said something, and then made his way through the crowd towards us.

"What are you-" As soon as he catches sight of me, he pauses and carefully scans my attire, then bends down to meet me at eye level. "Are you hurt?"

"No..." I said awkwardly. "I'm good... We just... encountered trouble..."

With a squint, Bryce seemed to be trying to peer through my lie. "Uh-huh. You didn't kill any wights though, did you?"


"No, I don't think so, they're all accounted for . . . None of them is severely hurt,"

"Anyway, it doesn't matter, I'm alive and I'm well and I'm here,"

"Well 'Here' is a bad place, you need to leave,"

"I can't if your 'best friends' are guarding the entrances or holding guns for that matter!" I snapped.

"Look, you need to hide until these guys are gone,"

"Fine!"I scanned the room, searching for a good hiding spot, until I spotted the girls' bathroom. Glancing over at Addison, I raised an eyebrow. "Be quiet, say nothing, it's best if you would just close your eyes,"

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