Chapter 7 - Short Chapter

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Jake grasped onto Emma's arm firmly, his worry is evident on his face as he noticed the blood seeping from her wound. "You're bleeding," Jake stated, his voice filled with unease at the sight of her limping and with a gash on her head.

Disregarding his statement, she asked, "Where is Addison?"... Excuse me?? Where is Addison??? NOW she suddenly shows concern for Addison? The very dog she ran past and COULD'VE GOTTEN??? Don't get me started but she had a perfect opportunity to retrieve him earlier, but nOoOoO! Of course not! Because opening the prison van door was deemed more significant and effortless than catching a dog!

However, before anyone could utter "I don't know," she interjected, "We've got to go after it. This may be our only chance!"

"I'm sorry, but I need to ask," I smiled gently. "HOW HARD DID YOU HIT YOUR HEAD!!!!" I yelled, my smile and friendly demeanour dropped and a storm instantly brewed around us.

I felt Jake elbow my ribs and give me a mean look, "Shut," he simply said. I grumbled, looked away and crossed my arms, annoyed.

Observing the truck's arrival at the bridge, I witnessed Bryce swiftly eliminate two lunatics who were in pursuit. As they collapsed in agony onto the ground, writhing into the dirt, I knew Emma was wrong: there was no chasing down the truck, no getting across the bridge. The situation is hopeless, and now the lunatics are also aware of it. With the fall of their foes, I could sense their desperation transforming into fury, and in a mere moment, that fury was directed towards us.

We attempted to flee but discovered ourselves surrounded from all directions. The crowd was yelling that we had, "ruined it," that "they'd cut us off now," and that we deserved to die. We were pummeled by a relentless onslaught - blows raining down upon us, accompanied by slaps, punches, and hands ruthlessly tearing at our hair and clothing. 

Why am I getting beaten down to the ground? I didn't do anything! Regardless, my instincts were telling me to protect Emma and Jake, I grabbed the two and shielded them with my body, taking the majority of the blows. Emma wriggled out of my protective huddle and decided to fight back, swinging her hands around, burning whomever she could. 

Despite her efforts, the fire failed to drive them away, and the relentless attacks continued until we were forced onto our knees, curled up on the ground, shielding our faces with our arms, and feeling pain from all sides. 

I was nearly convinced that I was on the brink of death, or perhaps in a dream, as I suddenly heard a lively chorus singing, "Hark to the driving of hammers, hark to the driving of nails!"—However, accompanying each verse were the disturbing sounds of flesh hitting hard surfaces and the resulting cries of pain. "What (SMACK!) to build a gallows, the (THWACK!) for all that ails!"

After a few strikes and a few whacks in the head, the barrage of blows came to an end and the mob slowly dispersed, showing signs of wariness and discontent. I saw dimly, through a haze of blood and grit, five brawny gallows riggers, tool belts hung from their waists and hammers raised in their hands. 

A wave of fear washed over me as I realized that there was absolutely no chance that they would abandon our bodies in this place. It was certain that they intended to take us somewhere, although I had no idea where that might be. They had created a path through the crowd and now they encircled us, peering down at us with uncertainty, as if we were an unfamiliar species of fish unexpectedly caught in their nets.

 I experienced a sensation of immense weight on my head, similar to holding up a heavy stone, while my vision resembled a faltering satellite signal. It would be clear one moment, only to vanish the next, repeating this cycle. Regrettably, this is not the first occurrence of such an ordeal for me.

As my eyesight began to blur, I sensed my body being raised into the embrace of another person. Despite my limited mobility, I instinctively thrashed about, utilizing every ounce of remaining strength to aim for their eyes, determined to resist in any possible manner until they restrained my arms and kept me still as my vision slowly fades out.

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