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The next morning I groan and climb out of bed. I head straight for the bathroom and use it before going downstairs to breakfast. I pick up one plain glazed doughnut, and one with raspberry jelly in it and powdered sugar on top, along with a mug of English breakfast tea. I ate on the way upstairs, then took sips of my tea as I got dressed. My cousin, Lynn, knocked on my door. "Hey Mags! We're goin' to the mall, then to a nice restaurant. You still in your jammies?" she called. I actually was, so I just open the door. She waltzed straight in and started digging through my closet. Lynn was a good six inches shorter than me with light brown hair she highlighted at the drop of a hat, dark brown eyes, and tanning-bed kissed skin. She was dressed in a forest green, sequiny dress that barely skimmed mid-thigh and high heels that made her look an inch or two taller than me. She was made up like no tomorrow; green eyeliner, green eyeshadow, and a million other facial products I can't name plastered across her face. She squealed when she found my best dress. It was plain black and very modest. She shoved it into my hands and skittered off to get her facial products as I dressed myself. I combed the knots out of my hair before she got back, and only let her put on bb cream, concealer, and black eyeliner. She grabs my wrist and drags me downstairs, then pulls out a type of lipstick. I protest, but she twists it up to reveal black and paints it generously onto my lips.

All the girls were waiting for us with the exception of my aunt. My cousins force me out, and all I can do is agree.

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