One Month

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Where am I? That's my first thought. Am I dead? That's what comes next. I try to open my eyes. They're sealed shut. Okay, so if I'm dead, this is Hell, right? Oh, that's comforting... But if I'm not, where am I? I blindly feel around with my left arm. My right arm refused to budge. Okay, okay... I'm on concrete... and it's a table. That's a start. I listen. It's just deep breathing... One sleeping guard? I take a deep breath through my nose. Ugh... sewer... chemicals... vanilla... I'm in the lair! But why would they want to bring me here? I'm the enemy! Okay, okay... I can't be distracted. Can I get up? No restraints. I try, then stifle a screech. Oh yeah... I seem to have been stabbed in the abdomen... C'mon! The weak will die! You have to GET UP now, or you may never stand! Try again!! It hurts, but I actually get my feet over the side. I slide off. Okay, I've been in here a million times. Listen to your footsteps... I take three steps before tripping. I squeak. Somehow, it awakens the guard.

"M-Maggie? Y-you're awake? Why are you up?!" It was Donnie. Why did that surprise me? I tilt my head at the voice.

"Um... It's pretty obvious that I'm awake, right? A-and I can't exactly stay put forever, can I?" I reply, careful not to tread to heavilly. I'm still on thin ice. I nearly scream when he pulls me to my feet, half from shock, half from pain. I feel his arms around me. A-a hug? How could he-? After I-?

"One month."


"That's how long you were unconscious. One month."

"B-but that can't be! It was only a few hours! R-right?"

"Two months. Why would I lie? I'm not that heartless." Although he wbhispered it, it exploded inside me, driving me to tears. At least, I would have cried if I could have. I push him away, then make a break for the door. Open. I tear out of it, listening closely to my surroundings. Left. Right. Someone behind me. Right. Jump. Hold onto ceiling. The scuffing and splashing went past, followed by a louder scuffling and splashing. I drop and reverse, sneaking into the dojo. I don't know why I did, but I climbed the tree and meditated for a while.

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