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Donnie's POV

"How did you do that?!" I asked as I saw the sleeping forms. The girls had fallen asleep, probably from asking so many questions rapid fire.

"What can I say? I was born to be a mother." Maggie replies, lightly stroking the hair of the girl that fell asleep in her lap.

"W-well, th-the guys sent me here to, um..."

"Spit it out, Donnie. I don't exactly have all night."

"W-would you go to the lair with me? Master Splinter- our Sensei- he-he wants to meet you!" I finally get out.

"W-what? You mean leave? Now? When I have to make sure the kids are okay?!"

"Well... Yeah, kinda..."

"Unless the girls are going, I'm not."

"Why?!" I flare my arms. "Why can't you just c'mon?! You'll be there an hour, at most!"

"Have you ever been in charge of young children?!"

"Does Mikey count?"

"Does he sleep through the night?"


"Then no, Donnie, he doesn't."

I sigh. "Fine. You'll be the one explaining that to my brothers, though."

"Fine by me. C'mon girls, wakey-wakey. We're gonna go visit with Donnie, okay?" She lightly shakes the girl in her lap. The girl sits up, then shakes her sister. Maggie gets up and leaves the room. After a little bit, she carries two sleepy infants in her arms.

"Hey Don, can you possibly carry one of them?" She whispers. I nod and take one. "Support the head!" I instantly follow her command. Even surrogate mothers are terrifying when it comes to their kids. I lead the way to the lair, praying that my brothers would understand.

Maggie's POV

Annie and Laurie were wide awake by the time we arrived at our destination. Annie bunched my jeans in her fist and I tightly held onto Laurie's hand, keeping an eye on each of the little girls. I could tell Donnie was tense. He held Scout tightly, and I had to tell him to loosen his grip more than once. Ivy clung tightly to my shirt, whining about being as awake as she was at this time of night. Light seeped out of an arch in the sewer, and Donnie cautiously approached it. He let me walk ahead of him for the last couple of feet.

"Hey guys. What'd I miss?"


Hey guys! So, I'm gonna leave you on that note. XD CLIFFHANGERS!

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