Deal (Warning: LANGUAGE)

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Next I had to deal with Toby...

I flip over the railing and lean against the living room's door frame.

"So..." I trailed off.

"So? That's all you're gonna say?! That mutant freak just kissed you! Kissed you! I can't believe that hormonal dick-head!"

"Woah, woah, woah! Hold up! Spoiler alert: we got back together! And f-y-I: he's not the one being a dick right now!"

"You what?! How could you- but I thought we- YOU BITCH!"

"Look who's talking! At least I'm not on my man-period! Get over yourself!!"

"I'm not the one sending mixed signals!"

"You know, you should try being me for one day. Its harder than you think, jackass!"

"Oo... Looks like miss priss finally grew a pair!"

"One of us needed to, and I could tell you weren't going to anytime soon!"

"At least I'm not slutting it up with a mutant!"

"You know for a God-damn fact that they aren't just mutants! Look past appearance for once, Toby! Please!"

"Oh, so I'm shallow now?"

"You've never been anything but shallow! Get a hot slut girlfriend and personality is just icing on the cake, right?"

"Puh-lease! Other way around!"

"You let me inside your brain and now you're lying to me?!"

"You're the lying  whore!"

"Y-y-you brute!" I screamed before stomping out of the house and into the woods, muttering about how I would kill him.

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