Experiment 15

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Lynn still had a month in her pregnancy. I spent an hour home, just answering questions and causing awe in my family. They learned about everything. Even the turtles. Too soon, though, I had to reach the lair.

I slid out the apartment building's door, tears still staining my cheeks. A scarily familiar robot noise met me. And then a scarier metal clang.

"Did you really think that I would kill my ultimate weapon?" A deep voice asked.

I turned and stared him straight in the face. "I REFUSE TO BE YOUR PAWN ANYMORE! I HAVE A FAMILY! I HAVE FRIENDS! I WON'T DO THIS! I REFUSE!!" I scream in his face, tears welling up again. He just turned to the Kraang and told them,

"Begin phase two of the experiment." before walking away with the footbots. The Kraang seized me and headed towards their headquarters, at least ten restraining me at all times. My screams of protest were also silenced.


We arrive at the familiar lab, me being carried and surrounded by Kraang as they take me to a tiny lab table. The strap me down firmly and stab a needle in my arm. They inject a clear fluid, which I know will dissolve the past 10 years from my memory and activate the "powers" that a chosen few were "gifted" with. It changed from person to person, but I got telepathy and telekinesis. I struggle, but the chemical pulls me under. I am fourteen. Shredder killed my parents. I hate him. I am raising four kids. I love Donnie. I am a kunoich. I think over and over, but I still forget. No one ever remembers.


I huddle in the corner, pulling my hands tight around me. I want Mom. I want Dad. Why are my hands too big? Why am I so tall? I have slight curves. When did I get those? Who are these robot men? Where's Master Shredder? Where's Sensei? I want to go home. Where am I? Wha- my last thought was interrupted by a door being kicked in. I turn slightly and scream. My voice is too low.

"W-w-what are you?!" I finally screech, only being met by confused expressions.

"Maggie, it's us. Your friends." One of them-the one in the purple mask cautiously tells me.


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