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I silently unsheathe my hand scythe, ready to accept the hand of death. At least I'd try to take the Shredder out, too.

Donnie's POV

It didn't take much. I just had to tell them her secret, and they followed me like dogs to her window. It wasn't locked. Inside were two little girls with wide eyes and tear-streaked cheeks, clutching an envelope.

"Where's Mommy? Did you lose Mommy? Where is she? Where's Mommy?!" one shrieked as I pushed open the window. A shard of ice trailed down my spine.

"We don't know. That's why we came here. We thought she'd still be here." I replied, willing my voice not to shake or crack or otherwise betray the fear etched deep inside me. Laurie holds out the envelope. I take it. I almost don't want to open it. Almost.

Inside was a letter. It had splotches from what I can only assume are tears.

I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. If I could go back and cha_ge the past, I would, but I can't. I never wanted to be the monst__ that was born through this. I've done things I ca_ never forget, and they would destroy all the war crimes you could throw at me. I cannot stress how bad I feel about _y part in the Foot Clan. Don't take what_ver hate you have on th_ children. They're as oblivious about it as you were. Please, please don't bring them into this. I don't want them to be hurt by my mistakes. I am branded, _ut they haven't been. If my _ast is to destroy me, I wish to destroy th_ man who bloodied it. I know that forgiveness cannot be. I know because I willingly did those things. I enjoyed my work. So, I'm dead no matter where I t_rn.


I knew where she was going. And it hurt to no end that she would choose that as her final stage.

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