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They all stand, smiles fading when they see what I have in my arms and what stands behind me.

"So... kids." Raph says tilting his head.

I chuckle. "Yep. I've got little Ivy here, Donnie's got Scout, and these little angels are Laurie and Annie." I reply, shifting Ivy to the side a bit.

"Mama..." She whimpered, too comfy where she was.

"Mommy, why didn't you tell us? We could've had tea parties!" Annie whined, and I couldn't help but notice that Leo looked around nervously.

"I promised, sweetie. You know how I get about my promises." I reply, stooping down to her level. Laurie yawned. Scout started crying. "Donnie! How many times do I have to tell you not to hold her so tight?!" I scold, lightly placing Ivy on her feet. Annie took her hand and I took Scout. "I mean, you're a scientist, right? How do you not know this stuff?" I bounce a little, shushing, rocking. It was the "Mommy I don't like this make it stop and I'm really tired" cry.

"What is going on in here?!" A voice called, making Scout more unhappy. Even Ivy started, and the other two hid behind me as a giant rat in a kimono walked in. He glared coldly at us, but his eyes softened when he saw the crying children.

"Oh! Uh, Sensei, this is Maggie. A-and her... kids." Leo explains, voice shaking a bit.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I apologise for my yelling."

"Oh, the pleasure is mine! I-I'm sorry about the children... They're just tired. Normally, they're just little delights!" I reply, still bouncing. He bowed, and I bowed in return before he returned the way he came.

"Can you make them shut up?!" Raph yells.

"Well, first you need to shut up, then they'll go to sleep! Shh... it's okay... shshsh... Go to sleep..." After about a minute of this, both little ones were asleep on the couch.

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