SCP-682 x SCP Reader ~ On One Condition

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You were roaming the halls of the facility, having broken out earlier. Those researchers forgot to feed your precious snakes and paid the price by death. But hey, at least your snakes weren't hungry anymore! Not yet, anyway.

You were an Object Class Keter SCP, best known for the snakes that grew out of your back. Unlike the mythical, infamous Medusa, you didn't possess the power to turn people into stone with mere eye contact. Instead, you could talk to snakes and control them, making them do your every wish. Every snake acknowledged you as their Queen and followed you around like dangerous guard dogs, protecting their owner. Animals or creatures from the reptilian family knew not to mess with you, they knew what the consequences were.

Your eyes were a vivid red, with white irises. Your gaze was menacing and powerful, even the bravest soldier would cower under your intense stare.

But, enough with your abilities. You had stopped by a certain door after one of your snakes told you about the picture beside it. You looked at it intently, reading it.

Object Class: Keter

Below it showed a picture of a vague reptilian-like creature, a mound of fur or muck covering most of its head. The only thing fully exposed was its jaw.

SCP-682 huh? Well, how about I pay a visit to you, hard-to-destroy-reptile? I'm sure you'll make a great addition to my army. You thought, content with your snake's find. You made a mental note to feed that snake more meat later.

Your snakes sliced through the door like it was aluminium foil, allowing you to climb inside and look at the beast below you.

There was SCP-682, resting in green acid. His eyes flickered to you when he noticed your presence. Growling, he closed his eyes and faked sleep.

Huffing in annoyance, you slid your hands into your jacket's pocket and glared at the reptile.

A few seconds later, the reptile's eyes fluttered open again. You smirked victoriously when he met your unwavering gaze. His irises narrowed, becoming slits.

Your snakes leaned closer to take a look at him, startling the reptile. He took a few steps back in the acid, only to roar in pain and thrash his tail around wildly.

"Stupid.. damn acid, " he growled out, his voice rumbling. You were surprised, at the very least. No reptile that you had encountered had ever once been capable of speech, so this was a first for you.

"Why the hell are you here? " he asked aggressively. Your snakes hissed at the amount of disrespect in his tone, getting ready to attack. You waved them off, much to their confusion and shock.

"I said; why are you here? " he repeated lowly. You chuckled softly. "Don't you know who I am? " you asked with fake sadness.

"Of course...," he spat. "The Snake Queen. "

"Correct! " you exclaimed with sarcastic happiness.

"So, let me guess. You're going to coax me to join you? " he sibilated.

"You saw that coming, didn't you? " you said sassily.

"I wasn't finished yet. I'll join you, but one condition. "

"You let me be your mate. "

You were appalled at his words, your snakes hissed angrily, muttering "unbelievable! " and "our Queen doesn't need a mate! ". They looked to you for your opinion, expecting you to make the final descision.

You pondered about it; if you complied to the condition, you'd get a mate and a possibly great and powerful ally. But if you disagreed, you'd lose a chance to have power. Who knows? This reptile might be even more essential to you than at first glance.

Clearing your throat, you prepared to make your descision.

"I agree. "


621 words

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