SCP-106 x Military!Reader ~ Reminiscence

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(Requested by EvilFlowersBlooming)

To say that Corporal Lawrence was weird would be a great understatement.

Initially, before what had happened to him in the trench, he'd been quiet and always listened to orders, never disrupting others. That was supposed to be good, when you're fighting in a war, right? Well, not exactly.

Though his behaviour wasn't considered bad per se, he was like a human repellent. He came off as unsettling, uncanny, and was even described as insane at times by his bunkmates, but you'd never had the luck, or unluckiness by how you view it, of sharing a bunk with him so you couldn't relate that much. Everybody disliked him because of the uneasiness he radiated, however, nobody could ever get rid of him because his actions were between the grey area of "fine" and "not fine".

After the incident that occured in the German trench, his behaviour just went haywire. You were included in his squad and had witnessed he moment when he somehow slipped into the hole of the inky-black substance in the room of gruesome human remains. The squad, excluding you and Private Dixon, freaked out when they saw a hand emerge from the hole while you tried your best to ignore the revolting stench that came from it, while reaching out your rifle for the hand to grab on to. The private wasn't as immune to the stench as you were and ended up vomiting beside the hole.

Two pairs of hands grasped the opposite end of the rifle that you were holding on to and Corporal Lawrence hauled himself out of the hole, gasping for air. He began to retch out the foul slime that was smeared all over him. It was a mess, and the others were desperate to ditch the hellhole as fast as they could, and so they did, half-dragging the corporal along as you could only keep up with them, unable to help due to your lack of physical strength.

Corporal Lawrence had little to report and was dismissed earlier than the rest by the commanders.

The man became even more creepier as the days went on. He sparked up conversations about things that weren't meant to be discussed, and the threats directed towards him did little to stop him.

A sickness took hold over the trench not too long after Corporal Lawrence's sudden change in behaviour. Those who were infected had flesh and skin eaten down to the bone, oozing a black liquid. Many afflicted with the disease suffered for many hours or even days before they finally met their end. Unfortunately, you had caught the sickness too, but unlike the others it didn't take long for you to be put at rest. The last thing you saw as you laid on your bed, the malady eating away at your flesh, was a pair of glowing silver-blue eyes staring down at you.

All was dark after that.


Groggily, you rolled out of your bed and slapped the snooze button of your alarm clock, silencing the cursed thing. Another day, another high chance of getting killed at the Foundation. What a great way to start the day.

Frankly, you were not looking forward to today at all. Just last night, you had been rotated to work on another SCP. Not surprising, given that the same thing had happened four times in the last six months, as if the Foundation couldn't decide which SCP to assign you to. And luck was definitely not shining on you because the SCP was a Keter Class one.

Quickly performing all the morning duties in order to maintain hygiene, you left your quarters with a fresh cup of coffee in hand. Nothing better to wake you up than good old caffeine. You were quite familiar with the site, so it didn't take long for you to reach the containment area of the SCP you'd been assigned to.

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