SCP-682 x Creator!Reader ~ Reunited

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(Requested by user96838412)

Your POV

"Just a few finishing touches.... and done! " I declared, stepping back a few feet from my creation. In front of me, was a huge egg that was the colour of obsidian. Honestly, it looked like those dragon eggs that you see in movies, which kinda made sense because the creature in the egg was reptilian. Well... mostly reptilian.

See, I was a creator and this egg contained the first creature that I've ever made. I was bursting with excitement to see what they'd look like and how they would behave.

However... I felt like I was missing something...

"Oh right! I forgot to give them adaptation, silly me, " I talked aloud to nobody in particular, giving myself a soft smack on my head. Kneeling down in front of the charcoal black egg, I positioned both of my hands around it. The egg flared a bright white but the blinding colour soon faded away, showing that the implantation of the power had been successful. See, since this was my first creature, I didn't want anything bad to happen to them, so I gave them the ability to adapt to any environment. That meant that they could morph their form to fit the conditions of their surroundings, and also regenerate any part of their lost body part.

Needless to say, I was very proud of them and was impatient for their arrival, but the other creators said that the process of birth wasn't going to happen until much later. With all the growth the creature needed to to go through after the initial creation of their place of development, that was understandable.

But, there's always a chance of unusual events occurring.

A soft crack woke me up, and I drowsily rubbed my bleary eyes. My sleepiness immediately disappeared as soon as I caught sight of a claw hanging out from a crack in the egg.

"WHAT THE - YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO COME OUT FOR ANOTHER TWO WEEKS! " I exclaimed, rushing over to the egg. The creature inside completely disregarded my comment and proceeded to poke their snout out, creating a bigger hole in the egg. Soon, they had clawed their way out and stood on the floor with wobbly limbs.

The creature had a mane with an adorable amount of fluff and it was fuzzy like a cat's baby fur. Shaking their head, they opened a pair of sharp yellow eyes and let out a cute roar that turned into a yawn. A boy. They were male.

"Well hello there little guy, " I cooed, reaching out a hand to it. He stared at it for a moment before putting a clawed foot on it like a handshake.

"Mom, " he uttered.

"Ye - hold on, what? " Secretly, I was screeching.

"Mother! " he hurled himself at me and snuggled up in my arms. I could have been the happiest creature in existence at that moment with tears of joy brimming in my eyes.

Some years later...

"(Y/N), Khnith-hgor's here! " the vaguely reptilian creature, Akshai, ran up to me, shouting. That wasn't his real name, but I called him that because it fit him well. He came to halt in front of me, his eyes filled with panic. Khnith-hgor, also known as King Of The Darkness Below, was a ruthless King that brought utter despair over to those that lived among the Tree Of Knowledge. He sought to kill all of Creation and had declared war upon it.

A wave of dread and despair washed over me as I caught sight of the King himself, fighting in the heart of the battle and surrounded by his servants, covered in what could only be blood. He was simply too strong, as all the gods that challenged him perished in mere minutes. It'd be suicide to fight back.

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