SCP-1471(MalO) x D-Class!Reader ~ Testing

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Sum swearing included

(Requested by MikoMiyo)

A hand pulled you out of your cell roughly, making you stumble as you struggled to keep your footing. The guards chuckled at your helplessness and pointed their guns at your head, a warning sign. Your breathing hitched as they removed the gun, shoving you forwards. You followed them meekly, not wanting to have your brains blown out by a gun. The same guards had been bringing you to your almost daily tests and enjoyed seeing that "priceless" look on your face when you were in shock and despair.

At the testing chamber, they pushed you into the cell. The speaker rang out, telling you to interact with the phone on the counter - wait, phone?

You swivelled around wildly, looking for the phone. When your eyes landed on it, you picked it up gently, waiting for more orders.  When none came, you simply played with the icons on the phone, until a text notification sound buzzed out.

It was from an unknown number, anonymous, you presumed. You tapped on the notification and entered WhatsApp.

M = MalO
Y = You

M : Hello

Y : Who is this?

M : Somebody you don't know

Y : Which is?

M : ....consider me a friend

Y : I'm sure I haven't met you before

M : You will soon

Y : If you're going to give me cryptic answers, then I might as well stop texting you.

M : Wait

Too late, you had already muted the notifications and powered off the phone, since you found out that the "block" option had been blurred out. But since when did anything in this facility have an easy way out?

A few minutes later, you turned on the phone again only to meet a ton of messages. Almost 100 + of them, all relating to "pls come back", "I didn't mean it that way" and "c'mon man". You rolled your eyes at its attempts to get you to come back, which didn't work, obviously.

The speaker tried to persuade you to speak to it more, which ended in failure. The guards led you back to your cell - but you realised these guards were different ones. They didn't push you around or make fun of you, they just stayed quiet the entire time back. At least they're better than the last ones. You thought gladly.

The next day, you were brought to the same testing chamber. The anonymous number had been trying to contact you all night, to no avail. You picked up the phone and immediately a message rang out. You eyed it warily but still tapped on it to answer.

M : You're back?

Y : Depends. You gonna tell me who you are?

M : Look, I can't really tell you who I am except for my name.

Y : Then tell me your name. If you do, I'll tell you mine.

M : Sound like a good deal. Okay, my name is MalO

Y : (Y/N). Nice to meet you, MalO.

M : Are you still angry at me?

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