SCP-106 x Shy!Reader ~ Comforted By A Monster?

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(Requested by EvilFlowersBlooming)

Sitting on his throne, looking around, was a black humanoid creature.

But he wasn't any creature.

He went by the name of SCP-106.

SCP-106 was bored; why? He had just finished toying with his latest victim, who lay dead on the floor in his own pool of blood. He hadn't been very entertaining, having suffered critical blood loss even before he had been pulled into SCP-106's pocket dimension. Had he not struggled during the procedure, he would've had a chance of escaping sooner or later.

SCP-106 may have the title of being sadistic, but in truth, the thought of torturing people seemed... dull. At first, it had been a thrill to watch them find their way out of his pocket dimension, those who managed to survive the trench were given freedom. He wasn't unfair in his games; you just needed the determination and wit to continue on. However, seeing the same thing over and over again began to be irritating. There was no more excitement of seeing something new, he'd seen it all before.

But, it was the only thing he could do.

Sighing, SCP-106 snapped his fingers lazily, opening a black portal on one of the walls. He climbed out of the hole, spotting a flash of orange in his peripheral vision. Grinning, he retreated back into the portal, only to re-emerge on the other side.

There was a female figure in an orange jumpsuit, presumably a D-Class who escaped from her cell. One of the only female D-Classes he'd ever seen. Unlike most of his victims, she was young, around twenty years of age, with (h/c) hair.

He watched and followed her wherever she went. When she encountered SCP-049, he stood from the shadows and observed. SCP-049 noticed his presence and shook his head in disapproval, giving up. The D-Class was confused and stood there in disbelief, before running the other way.

SCP-106 noted the way she stayed away from other groups. When she ran into a gang of other D-Classes, she immediately left upon seeing them. Yet, without anybody's help, she managed to reach Heavy Containment Zone, unscathed. She held a look of pride and accomplishment on her features, but that quickly transformed into fear and dread when she spotted a growing pool of corrosion on the floor. She watched the pool carefully, backing away only for her to bump into a solid figure. Swivelling around, she dropped the flashlight she was holding and let out an ear-splitting scream. SCP-106 cringed at the sound level and touched her shoulder, making her fall unconscious. Normally, he would take his victims into his pocket dimension while they were still awake but this was an exception.

Time skippp

Groaning, you got up into a sitting position. Your entire body felt numb and your head was spinning slightly. You closed your eyes and took a breather, getting rid of the dizzy feeling in order to clear your mind. Opening them, you looked around.

The room you were in was dark red with black splotches. It had a pungent, strong smell, one that you couldn't quite place your finger on. You closed your eyes again, trying to remember what had happened before you blacked out.

"So you're awake, " a loud, deep voice announced. Your eyes snapped open and your (eye colour) orbs met silvery-blue slits. Startled, you crawled backwards and refused to meet the SCP's gaze.

"Hey. Look at me when I'm talking to you, " the SCP squatted down and moved aside your hair, surprised when he saw tears flowing down your cheeks. Hastily, you wiped them away and willed yourself not to cry again. The last thing you would want to do was to embarrass yourself in front of an SCP before you died.

SCP-106 was... unsure of how to comfort a human, let alone a girl. He never needed to. So, with what the SCP could hardly remember, he tried to assure her.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, okay? " he wasn't used to not using his usual harsh, taunting tone. Gentleness was near foreign to him.

"T-then what do you want? " the girl responded, in between racking sobs. SCP-106 didn't know how to respond to that, standing up and exiting the room through a portal, leaving you puzzled.

About ten minutes later, according to your internal clock, he came back. You didn't even notice his presence when a pair of hands lifted you from behind, revealing SCP-106 carrying you bridal style. The SCP decided that if he was going to give you to the scientists, he might as well do it in the fastest way, seeing that you'd get medical attention anyway. For you, well, judging from the expression on your face, this was not what you expected. You thought he'd leave you there to die, not pick you up and bring you somewhere!

That was when you realised how he was carrying you. You let out a groan, doing your best to cover up your burning face as much as possible. SCP-106 paid no attention to it, though he did find your reaction funny.

He dropped you off in front of the near-hysterical scientists. One bombarded you with questions while being dragged away by another scientist, another took a guard's gun and pointed it at you and one finally had the sense to call in for medics and guards.

You didn't escape from the facility like you had planned to, but at least you made friends with an SCP!


937 words
I'm so sorry for the late request!

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