Dr. Alto Clef x Dr. Kondraki ~ Make A Distraction, Idiot

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(Requested by Letmeread222)

Warning : I advise that you do not read this oneshot if you are homophobic. Slight swearing.

"Goddamnit. I was expecting a less crowded area, " Kondraki muttered grimly, looking around at the crowded mall. It was packed with people, no way that they'd be able to do anything with so many possible witnesses.

"Nothing's ever easy, Kondraki, " Clef spat his name, absolutely disgusted that he had to do a mission, but with Kondraki?! He hated that guy with every fibre of his being, and this didn't help at all.

"Well, Mr. Smarty Pants, why don't you figure something out since you're acting like you've done this before? " retorted Kondraki. Only god knows for how long he could deal with Clef's crudeness before he started yelling. He was already testing his patience and that wasn't a good sign.

Clef stayed silent, gritting his teeth. "Distraction. "

Finally he thinks of something useful, Kondraki thought bitterly. Clef started towards a piano sitting beside a wall, waiting to be played. Clef opened up the cover, glanced back at Kondraki and gestured quite violently towards the instrument.

Rolling his eyes, Kondraki walked to the piano, eyeing it closely. "Go ahead and play, " Clef said impatiently, tapping his foot against the tiled floor.

When Kondraki hesitated, Clef sighed irritatedly. "I know you can play the piano. Bright told me, " he added when Kondraki shot him an accusatory glare.

Relunctantly, Kondraki sat on the black cushioned bench and hit a few notes, testing them out. Clef propped himself up by the elbow and watched Kondraki do his stuff boredly. He was about to suggest something else when Kondraki started playing a familiar tune.

Helpless from Hamilton? I didn't know he listened to that. Clef thought.

"Oh, I do I do I do I dooo..! Hey!
Oh, I do I do I do I dooo..! Boy you got me helpless.. "

Kondraki's head shot up from the piano and the song stopped. Was somebody singing? He'd sworn he'd heard a man's voice...

He looked at Clef curiously, who was looking kind of sheepish. "Pfftt... Haha! " Clef smacked Kondraki on the shoulder. "Ow! Okay! "

"Just keep playing, we're already attracting a crowd!

"Helpless! Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit I'm helpless!
Down for the count, and I'm drownin' in 'em.

"I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight
We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night
Laughin' at my sister as she's dazzling the room
Then you walked in and my heart went "Boom!"
Tryin' to catch your eye from the side of the ballroom
Everybody's dancin' and the band's top volume!

"Grind to the rhythm as we wine and dine
Grab my sister, and whisper, "Yo, this one's mine."
My sister made her way across the room to you
And I got nervous, thinking "What's she gonna do?"
She grabbed you by the arm, I'm thinkin' "I'm through"
Then you look back at me and suddenly I'm
Oh, look at those eyes
Oh! Yeah, I'm helpless, I know
I'm so into you, I am so into you
I know I'm down for the count and I'm drownin' in 'em. "

Kondraki had to admit, Clef sang really well. His tone went up and down, in perfect synchrony with the piano's notes. Glancing up, Kondraki's and Clef's eyes met for a split second, as if staring into each other's soul. Then, Clef gave a small nod, urging Kondraki on.

As much as Kondraki hated to sing, his heart won the internal struggle and -

"Where are you taking me? "

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