SCP-076-2(Able) x Shy!Male!Reader ~ Awkwardness

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(Requested by LostCinder)

As smart or good-looking as you were, you always had a major drawback.

Being shy.

It wasn't that you stuttered when you spoke or anything, you just didn't like to speak to others and hated being the centre of attention. You were known as the quiet, smart kid who sat at the back of the class, doodling on spare paper and looking out of the window. Instead of being bullied like in all of those Netflix drama series, you were relatively liked by many.

Due to your nature, it was no surprise that you had applied for a job at the SCP Foundation almost right after you graduated. No job suited you, since almost all of them required sometimes daily social interaction and that was a big no. The small few that didn't require that much socializing weren't fit for you either.

For you, a job at the Foundation was perfect. You'd always been one to take risks, so at the mention of life-threatening situations, good pay, being cooped up in your office and your family still being paid for your services if.. a certain.. unfortunate incident occured, you immediately signed up for the job.

Your first few months there weren't as bad as you expected, to say at the very least. Still, the idea of using living, breathing people(even if they were on death row and deserved it) to experiment on anomalies(which, too, might also be sentient) unhinged and made you uncomfortable. You disliked the idea of it so much so that you almost tried to stop a termination from going on, reminding yourself at last minute that they were put on death row for a reason. It left you guilty, though. Now, you give pitiful side glances whenever you pass a D-Class in the halls.

Never had you considered quitting until a containment breach happened.

It was noon, approximately close to one o'clock. That still counted as noon for you. The time where you, coincidentally, felt the sleepiest. You were resting your head on your desk, having just finished your paperwork, when the alarms of a containment breach blared in your ears. The white walls of your office cast a bright red, basically screaming for you to get the heck out of there.

"Well, shit then, it can't be that bad - " you muttered since this wasn't the first containment breach you'd experienced. Getting up, you got cut off by the automatic announcement on the speaker.


Right. I just had to jinx it. You thought with annoyment, but also with a tinge of panic. SCP-076-2, aka Able, was a Keter Class SCP, that was so dangerous they had to activate the site warhead in Containment Area-25(which previously housed him), causing the total destruction of the site and all on-site personnel as a last effort to contain him.

Another researcher assured you that that was a long time ago, and with such advanced technology, the Foundation wouldn't need to to to such measures to contain him again. You still didn't trust his words, by the way he looked unsure of what he was saying.

Shaking off your worries, you quickly followed the other scientists, researchers and guards to an evacuation shelter. Everyone was on edge and jumpy, while you weren't as scared, you kept your guard up. Bad things always seem to happen when you least expect it.

And that's what happened.

When you turned away to comfort another researcher, who looked like she was almost about to cry, a loud boom erupted in front of you, dust swirling everywhere, along with screams. Of pain? Terror? Probably both, because in an instant, blood was everywhere. Along with bodies. (Do yOu rEcOgniSE tHE bOdiEs in tHe WaTeR? )

The crazed SCP was there, slashing his black weapon that reflected no light at everyone. The female researcher was long gone, having ran away with the survivors.

Although your brain screamed at you to run, your body didn't move an inch. For some reason, you studied the SCP, noting that he was quite attractive. (Someone tell me what did I just write)

He wore pants with black boots, and had some sort of animal's skin fur that acted like a cape. When the guards tried to shoot him, he held it up and finished them off, unscathed from the bullets. As described from the document, he was adorned with red tattoo markings that resembled leering demonic faces. His long black hair flowed behind him as he moved, grey eyes filled with bloodlust and lips curled into a malicious grin.

Snapping back into reality, you sprinted into the opposite direction, yelling at yourself internally for not doing the most obvious thing to do in the situation you were in. Just as you turned the corner, you felt the SCP's stare bore into your back, and caught a glimpse of his head turned to your direction, standing over a limp body, outfit stained with blood. He held a shrewd look in his eyes, which no long seemed clouded or have any bad intent. He just seemed... to watch you curiously. It seriously weirded you out, so you booked out of there real quick.

You ran into him several more times, and for most of them, he was in the middle of ending someone's life. Each time, you would escape unharmed.

On one of your encounters, he had his arms raised, weapon pointed down at his victim, who was held in place by his foot on their back. They were screaming, flailing, and he was smirking wickedly.

The victim's execution was paused when his eyes landed on you, and his smile faltered. He lowered his weapon for a second, before turning back to his victim that had stopped struggling. In a swift action, he put an end to their misery and stepped off of them, giving you a blank side glance and disappearing in a mist of smoke, to look for more people to kill.

That one time when he walked in on you loading a pistol, he blinked at you, stared at the gun, and backed away slowly with his hands in the air, vanishing from your view. That was by far the most awkward setting you'd been in.

Eventually, he was recontained, but didn't need to be killed. He just went with the guards without a fight, but you had a suspicion it had something to do with you.


1095 words

We got some fluff here!! The last part was so fun to write. Just imagine a towering Able at the doorway with his hand on the doorframe and you sticking your tongue out, trying to load the gun with difficulty. That'd just be so cute and random,, don't you think? And thank you LostCinder for requesting this, I'm considering doing a part two because of how much o love this uwu 💞 ❤️

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