SCP-035 x SCP!Reader Part 2 ~ Freedom?

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(Requested by Mr--Wendigo)

Crunching sounds alerted animals of their presence. They were heavy footsteps. Bad news. They could be a predator that was looking for an easy meal.

Squeaking, the rabbits retreated to their Burrow, watching safely from inside.

Turns out, it wasn't a big, bad predator that was hungry. It was a fellow rabbit. She had snow white fur and bright intelligent blue eyes, sniffing the air.

She caught scent of the rabbits in their Burrow, and approached them slowly.

"Hello? " she called out.

"What do you want? " the matriarch of the rabbits responded in a gruff tone. She retracted a few hops, standing up on her hind legs.

"I'm just looking for directions. Do you happen to know where the nearest human city is? "

The matriarch eyed her, scrutinizing her appearance. "Why do you need to know? "

Her ears twitched. "I have a family. My owner took care of me and them. They brought me out for a walk but lost me because a dog chased after me. I want to find them and get back to my family again, " she explained. Of course, it was all a lie, but her tone and body language gave away no sign. In fact, she was speaking like she actually meant it, because she truly did want to get back to her lover.

The matriarch believed her at last. "Of course. I understand how hard it must've been for you to be torn away from your family. The nearest human city is up north, where the tall spear is. You can see it once you get out of the forest.

"Perhaps you would like to stay with us for a bit? We have enough food to share, " the matriarch offered kindly. She shook her head.

"No thank you. I wouldn't want you to waste your food on a traveller that you may not see again, " she declined politely, and went on her way.

Once out of sight, she changed into a human. You, specifically.

035 and you had almost been caught a few days ago. The Foundation had pursued you two deep into the forest, where you guys were forced to split up as a last resort of escape.

You had clambered up a tree as a panther, watching the guards pass by underneath you. Stupid guards, they didn't think to look up.

Before you two had been seperated, though, you two made a promise that both of you would meet at the nearest city if one of you were taken away. The other would wait until they escaped and reunite.

So that's what you did. You followed your promise.

The rabbit had said that you would see a "spear" in the sky once you had got out of the forest. You assumed she had meant a skyscraper, or some kind of tall building.

Jumping expertly from tree to tree, you lifted up your head to scent for any thing that would mean a city was nearby; the acrid, powerful smell of fuel and exhaust fumes or cooking food. Suddenly, you heard a low hiss.

A forest snake.

It swayed from its spot slightly, glaring at you through slits. Its tongue flickered in and out from its jaws as it advanced closer towards you.

Your throat emmited a deep growl instinctively, swatting your paw at the reptile, claws unsheathed. The snake hissed when your paw got too close and attempted to bite it. Retracting your paw, you glared at the snake before leaping onto another tree and scampering away.

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