
4.5K 119 118

Cain : sneaks up on Able while he's watching TV

Able : doesn't notice

Cain : pulls out a gun and fires it

Able : gets startled by the sound


Cain : hAhaHahA

Cain : dying inside because of his words

Technical difficulties

035 : hey how y -

682 : snarls aggressively

035 : screams GET YO F***IN DOG BISH!

999 : he don't bite

035 : getting mauled by 682 YES HE DO DJKSN -


106 and 079 : SHOTGUN!

049 : hey I found a shotgun, and I want the front seat! cocks gun


Now some random stuff

106 : starts to fortnite dance UNmercifully

all the other SCPs except 173 : my god somebody get the bleach

173 : taping the thing and posting it on social media

173 : nice


D-boi : sniffles

049 : P E S T I L E N C E


106 : sup doc -

106 : sees 049-J beating a D-Class with a shoe

106 : ....

106 : fazes back through the door


106 and 173 : playing FNAF blindly

106 and 173 : gets jumpscared

106 : screams like a girl and punches the computer screen

173 : crying and yelling but it slowly turns into laughter because of 106's reaction


173 : f***

049 : gasps while covering 035's "ears", dragging him out of the room before gasping again

035 : f***

049 : gasps unbelievably loudly

049 : ends up choking 173


I know that this is a oneshot book but I seriously needed to post this

Idk why

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